
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:《体验商务英语》改编组 编  页数:128  




Unit 1 BrandsUnit 2 TravelUnit 3 OrganisationUnit 4 ChangeUnit 5 MoneyUnit 6 AdvertisingUnit 7 CulturesUnit 8 EmploymentUnit 9 TradeUnit 10 QualityUnit 11 EthicsUnit 12 LeadershipUnit 13 InnovationUnit 14 Competition


  Unit 1 Brands Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English.1 很多大公司把其网站外包给网页服务公司(hosting company),因为这些公司提供管理服务。2 企业培育出牢固的品牌资产就能促进客户更高的忠诚度。3 由于为诸如耐克公司的产品做代言人,乔丹很快成了千万富翁。4 纵向品牌延伸包括改变产品的配方、包装和定价,目的是直达更多的顾客。5 他们提出了公司是否应该为该细分市场提供服务的问题。Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.Brand Loyalty Whether you have a small business or a big business, the customers have developed certain ideas about your company,product or service and this is called brand in a nutshell.The best way of improving your business is spreading awareness about your brand among the consumers.It seems that many of the companies have lost sight of the significance of establishing brand loyalty and it is mainly reflected in the poor quality of their product and inadequate customer service.So firstly you should improve the quality of your product as well as offer satisfactory customer service.Another important factor that contributes a lot in developing brand loyalty is advertisement and marketing.In present time,wherever we look,TV ads,banners,hoardings,magazines,billboards draw our attention and we find some or the other brand is reminding us of our need and promising to provide us with more than our expectations.When a customer comes to buy a product,a number of factors mold his/her decision of buying a product of a particular brand.The decisive factors include past experience of quality,price,word-of-mouth,customer service,brand connotation and so on.Brand loyalty occurs only when the customer is satisfied.



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