
出版时间:2010-6  出版社:中华书局  作者:纪念李方桂先生中国语言学研究学会,香港科技大学中国语言学研究中心 编  页数:235  字数:260000  






插图:Cluster 1 includes variations with relatively low Po max, short D. c. , and short D. v. Vocal folds vibration rarely occurs in Cluster 1. Cluster 2 is composed of variations with relatively high Po max. It has the longest D. c. and D. v. values among the three clusters . Cluster 3 is composed of variations with even higher Po max. Both D. c. andD. v. values are longer than Cluster 1, but shorter than Cluster 2. Figure 8 gives a visual representation of speaker-specific variations corresponding to the three clusters in Table 7. The distinction is represented by three types of Pocurves. These Po curves were drawn with the mean values of the five variables (Po max, Po min, Povibr, D. c. , and D. v. ) of each cluster (shown in Table 7) .Figure 8 illustrates that different strategies are employed to produce the voicelessstop by individual speakers. Speakers in Cluster 2 ( Po curve type 2), such as Speaker ZM, tend to produce long closure duration. Speakers in Cluster 3 (Po curve type 3 ) ,such as speaker YH, prefer to produce high oral pressure. Speaker HY sometimes produces the sound with high oral pressure. For speakers in Cluster 1 (Po curve type 1 ) ,such as speaker JY, the oral pressure is not heightened and the closure duration is not prolonged. It was found that vocal fold vibration (represented by the scratches on the Po line in Figure 8 ) rarely happens in the pronunciations of speakers in Cluster 1. It usually occurs in the pronunciations of the speakers in Clusters 2 and 3, which are either with high oral pressure or with long closure duration.






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