
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:机械工业  作者:[美] Douglas B.West  页数:588  




PrefaceChapter 1 Fundamental Concepts  1.1 What Is a Graph?    The Definition    Graphs as Models    Matrices and Ismorphism    Decomposition and Special Graphs     Exercises  1.2 Paths,Cycles,and Trails    Connection in Graphs     Bipartite Graphs    Exercises  1.3 Vertex Degrees and Counting    Counting and Bijections     Extremal Problems    Graphic Sequences    Excercises  1.4 Directed Graphs     Definitions and Examples    Vertex Degrees  Eulerian Digraphs    Orientations and Tournaments    ExercisesChapter 2 Trees and Distance  2.1 Basic Properties    Properties of Trees    Distance in Trees and Graphs    Disjoint Spanning Trees(optional)    Exercises  2.2 Spanning Trees and Enumeration    Enumeration of Trees    Spanning Trees in Graphs    Decomposition and Graceful Labelings    Branchings and Eulerian Digraphs(optional)  2.3 Optimization and Trees    Minimum Spanning Tree    Shortese Paths    Trees in Computer Science(optional)    ExercisesChapter 3 Matchings and Factors  3.1 Matchings and Covers    Maximum Matchings     Hall's Matching Condition    Min-Max Theorems    Independent Sets and Covers    Dominating Sets(optional)    Exercises  3.2 Algorithms and Applications    Maximum Bipartite Matching    Weighted Bipartite Matching    Stable Matchings(optional)    Faster Bipartite Matching(optional)    Exercises  3.3 Matchings in General Graphs    Tutt's 1-factor Hteorem    f-factors of Graphs(optional)    Edmonds'Blossom Algorithm(optional)    Exercises……Chapter 4 Connectivity and PathsChapter 5 Coloing of GraphsChapter 6 Planar GraphsChapter 7 Edges and CyclesChapter 8 Additional Topics(optional)Appendix A Mathematical BackgroundAppendix B Optimization and ComplexityAppendix C Hints for Selected ExercisesAppendix D Glossary of TermsAppendix E Supplemental ReaningAppendix F ReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index




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