
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:机械工业出版社  作者:法默  页数:217  


近年,在全球信息化大潮的推动下,我国的计算机产业发展迅猛,对专业人才的需求日益迫切。这对计算机教育界和出版界都既是机遇,也是挑战。    由华章公司引进的“计算机科学丛书”、“经典原版书库”、“全美经典学习指导系列”这三套丛书不仅涵盖了程序设计、数据结构、操作系统、计算机体系结构、数据库、编译原理、软件工程、图形学、通信与网络、离散数学等国内大学计算机专业普遍开设的核心课程,而且各具特色——有的出自语言设计者之手、有的历经三年不衰、有的已被全世界的几百所高校采用。在这些圆熟通博的名师大作的指引之下,读者必将在计算机科学的宫殿中由登堂而入室。    权威的作者、经典的教材、一流的译者、严格的审校、精细的编辑,这些因素使我们的图书有了质量的保证。    Dan Farmer is the author of a variety of security programs and papers.He is currently chief technical officer of Elemental Security,a computer security software company.WAietse Venema has written some of the world's most widely used software,including TCP Wrapper and the Postfix mail system .He is currently a research staff member at IBM Research.Together,Farmer and Venema have written many of the world's leading information-security and forensics packages,including the SATAN network security scanner and the Coroner's Tookit.




Preface viiAbout the Authors xiiPartⅠ:Basic Concepts  Chapter 1:The Spirit of Forensic Discovery     1.1 Introduction    1.2  Unusual Activity Stands Out  1.3 The Order of Volatility    1.4  Layers and Illusions    1.5  The Trustworthiness of Information    1.6  The Fossilization of Deleted Information     1.7  Archaeology vs.Geology  Chapter 2:Time Machines    2.1 Introduction  2.2 The First Signs of Trouble  2.3 What's Up,MAC?An Introduction to MACtimes  2.4 Limitations of MACtimes  2.5 Argus:Shedding Additional Light on the Situation  2.6 Panning for Gold:Looking for Time in Unusual Places  2.7 DNS and Time  2.8 Journaling File Systems and MACtimes  2.9 The Foibles of Time  2.10 ConclusionPartⅡ:Exploring System Abstractions  Chapter 3:File System Basics    3.1  Introduction    3.2  An Alphabet Soup of File Sytems    3.3  UNIX File Organization    3.4  UNIX File Names    3.5  UNIX Pathnames    3.6  UNIX File Types    3.7  A First Look Under the Hood:File System Internals    3.8  UNIX File System Layout    ……PartⅢ:Beyond the Abstractions




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