
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:国防工业出版社  作者:傅轶飞,陶炀 主编  页数:204  




Part One Model Tests
 Model Test 1
 Model Test 2
 Model Test 3
 Model Test 4
 Model Test 5
 Model Test 6
 Model Test 7
 Model Test 8
 Model Test 9
 Model Test 10
 Model Test 11
 Model Test 12
 Model Test 13
 Model Test 14
 Model Test 15
Part Two Audioscripts and Explanations
Part Three Key & Words Bands


  Passage OneToday's trumpet is one of the world's oldest musical instruments. It is the result ofmany centuries of development. Although it looks nothing like its ancestors, there aremany similarities. All trumpets are hollow tubes. They are all blown. And they all usethe player's lips to produce the basic sound.The trumpet developed as players and makers worked to improve its design, size,shape, material, and method of construction.  They wanted to create an instrument thatwould produce a beautiful and attractive tune, enable the performer to play all the notes(音符,音调)of the scale, extend the range higher and lower, make it possible to playmore difficult music, and in general, be easier to play well. The remarkable way inwhich the modern trumpet achieves these goals is a measure of the success of all thosewho struggled to perfect this glorious instrument.  The trumpet is actually the leadingmember of an entire family of related instruments. There are trumpets of several differ-ent sizes, and in several different keys.  There are cornets, bugles, flugelhorns, and anumber of others that are all similar to the trumpet in the way they are made andplayed.The trumpet family is much more than a group of related instruments that can stirone with their sound, or narrow tubes of metal capable of producing a variety of musicalsounds. It is a link to many different periods of history and to people of many cultures.From the use of trumpets in ancient religious ceremonies to the part they play in modernrock bands, the trumpet family of instruments has much to tell about civilization and itsdevelopment.  ……



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