
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:外文出版  作者:全国英语等级考试教材编写组  字数:350000  


应试锦囊:点睛之笔    主要内容是各考试题型的特点分析、答题思路与解题方法,均附有针对性的知识点讲解,应试技巧贯穿其中。    全能试卷:7套模拟试卷+3套专家预测试卷+最新笔试真卷+精选口试真卷    ·全真模拟试卷:训练量最大,用全真模拟的形式在平时强化练习——打好厚实的基础。    ·命题专家预测试卷:训练量适中,所选试题多为典型,有针对意义,需要特别关注的。这类试题一般富有代表性,是解决考生困惑的关键。详尽的解析不仅给出了解题的思路及方法,还点明了考核精要,举一反三,牵出知识点,扩大试题训练的受益面。    ·最新笔试真卷:通过真题训练,进行考前重点预测,提高试题命中率。分析表明,最近的考试真题是最具参考价值的。考生自己来研究真卷,对前面的训练进行补充和温故。    ·精选口试真卷:附送最新口试真卷可以使考生了解口试题型,体验真实的口试考场。    答案解析:让考生知其然,也知其所以然    试卷的答案部分给出了解析,简明扼要地点明答案原因,从中可熟悉相关知识,领悟解题思路,获得解题技巧。


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  You must have been troubled by when to say“I love you”because it is one of the greatest puz-zles in our life。 What if you say it first and your partner doesnt love you back?Or if they do say it but youdon’t feel they mean it?Being the first to’declare your love can be nerve-racking.(紧张)and riskyand can leave you feeling as vulnerable as a turtle with no shell.But is the person who says it firstreally in a position of weakness?Doesn’t it pay to hold back,play it cool and wait until the otherhalf has shown their hand furst? “A really good relationship should be about being fair and being equal。”says psychologist Sid-ncy Crown.“But love is seldom equal.”All relationships go through power stmggles but,he says,if a love imbalance continues for years,the rot will set in.“That feefing of‘I’vc always loved youmore’may be subverted( 破坏)for a time,but it never goes away completely and it often e.merges in squabbling(大声争吵).”In love,at least,oc silent,withholding type is not always themost powerful.“The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings,”says educational psychologist hgrid Collins。Psychosexual therapist PaulaHall agrees.“The one with the upper hand is often the person who takes the initiative.In fact,theperson who says‘I love you’first may also be the one who says‘I’m bored with you’first.”H址!believes that much depends Oll how“Ilove youi’is said and the motivation of the person saying it.“Is it said when they’re drunk?Is it said before their partner flies off on holiday,and what it reallymom is‘Please don’t be unfaithful to nd’?By saying‘I love you’,they really saying‘Do youlove me?’If SO,wouldn’t it just be more honest to say that?”Collins agrees that intention is every.thing。“It’S not what is said.but how it’S said.What it comes down to is the sincerity of the speak-cr.”


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