
出版时间:2008-1  出版社:外文出版社  作者:魏力群  页数:155  


  China is the hometown of the shadow play. The Chinese leather shadow play is an ancient and widespread form of folk opera art. Over the past thousand years, folk artists have been casting leather puppets' shadows on a small white curtain while singing and dancing behind it, depicting the ups and downs of the life of the Chinese people.   This book has selected over 300 exquisite leather shadow-play puppets from a large number of collections, classifying them according to region and genre. Along with explaining the related terminology of the shadow play, the book also gives readers a complete appreciation of this ancient yet still impressive art form.


IntroductionShadow Play FerformanccFuppct Designs in the Western Shadow Flag  Sets  Whole Puppets Puppet Heads of Dan Characters   Puppet Heads ofShen8 Characters Puppet Heads of/in8 Characters  Puppet Heads of Chou Characters  Deities and Spirits FUppet: Designs in the Nortshern Shac]ow Play  Whole Puppets  Puppet Heads of Dan Characters  Puppet Heads of Sheng Characters Puppet Heads of ling Characters  Puppet Heads of chou Characters  Puppet Heads of Evil Characters  Deities and SpiritsPuppet Designs in the Central and Southern Shadow Plau  Whole Puppets  Puppet Heads Other Shadow Play Designs  Auspicious Animals  Furniture Designs Shadow Plags in the 196osand 1970s








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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   书是铜板纸印刷的,收藏的皮影资料也挺不错的!价格稍觉贵了些,本人英文水平也有限,文字内容看起来不太容易啊~
  •   这本书质量相当不错的,纸张质量很好。就是稍微贵了点

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