
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:化学工业出版社  作者:黄星、赵忠兴、王伟罡 主编  页数:340  字数:360000  




Unit 1Vocational Terminology 职业术语
1.1Nomenclature on major curricular for NC and CNC
1.2Nomenclature on professional terms职业名称术语
Unit 2Various Types of Machining Equipment各种类型加工设备
2.2Milling machine铣床
2.3Boring machine镗床
2.4Drilling machine钻床
2.5Reciprocating machine往复运动机床
2.6Grinding machine磨床
2.7Gear cutting machine齿轮加工机床
2.8NC machine数控加工机床
Unit 3Basic Knowledge of NC and CNC Technology数控与计算机数控技术的基本知识
3.1History and development of NC technology数控技术的历史与发展
3.2Basic knowledge of numerical control (NC)数控的基础知识
3.3Basic knowledge of computerized numerical control
3.4Basic knowledge of computerized numerical control (CNC)
3.5Open loop system and closed loop system开环与闭环系统
3.6Types of numerical control machining数控加工类型 (一)
3.7Types of numerical control machining 数控加工类型(二)
3.8Types of tool changers刀库类型
Unit 4NC and CNC Machine Tools and Machining数控机床和计算机数控机床及其加工
4.1CNC drilling machine数控钻床
4.2CNC milling tool数控铣床
4.3CNC turning and lathe数控车削和车床
4.4NC grinding machine数控磨床
4.5Machining center加工中心
Unit 5Component and Function of CNC Machine
5.1CNC control panel计算机数控机床的控制面板
5.2A typical operation panel of a CNC machining
5.3Feed drive进给驱动
5.4Measuring system测量系统
5.5Tool change facilities换刀设备
Unit 6Servo Motor伺服电动机
6.1Servo system伺服系统
6.2Servo motor structure伺服电动机的结构
6.3Servo amplifier伺服放大器
6.4Servo driver伺服驱动器
Unit 7CNC Turning Center数控车削中心
7.1CNC turning center数控车削中心
7.2CNC turning center rear数控车削中心后部
Unit 8Main Drive System主传动系统
8.1Spindle box general assembly主轴箱总装配
8.2Spindle box主轴箱
8.3Rotary oil cylinder回转油缸
Unit 9Vice Spindle Box副主轴箱
9.1Vice spindle box副主轴箱
9.2Vice spindle milling operation副主轴铣削加工
Unit 10Turning Feed System车削进给系统
10.1Work table工作台
10.2Worktable transmission工作台传动
Unit 11Milling Feed System铣削进给系
11.1Milling feed system铣削进给系统
11.2Milling feed system section drawing铣削进给系统剖面图
Unit 12Turret System刀塔系统
12.2Turret fluted disc location刀塔齿盘定位
12.3Turret locating fastening system刀塔定位紧固系统
12.4Internal turret structure刀塔内部结构
Unit 13Chuck System卡盘系统
13.2Hydraulic chuck fundamental diagram液压卡盘工作原理图
13.3Oil distributor oil?way配油器油路
Unit 14Spindle Box主轴箱
Unit 15Machining Center加工中心
15.1Machining center加工中心
15.2Machining center three View drawing加工中心三视图
15.3Machining center base加工中心底座
15.4Machining center X worktable加工中心X工作台
Unit 16Automatic Tool Magazine自动刀库
16.1Automatic tool magazine自动刀库
16.2Automatic tool magazine translation mechanism
16.3Tool magazine rack刀库挂架
Unit 17Broach Institutions拉刀机构
Unit 18Guide Rail Mounting Surface Detection导轨安装面检测
18.1Rolling guide滚动导轨
18.2Comparison diagram of rolling guide and sliding
18.3Rolling guide installation layout滚动导轨安装形式
18.4Cylindrical roller guide圆柱滚子导轨
18.5Rolling guide processing and detection drawing滚动导轨的加工和检测图
18.6Guide rail mounting surface detection导轨安装面检测
Unit 19Ball Screw Drive Structure滚珠丝杠传动结构
19.1Ball screw滚珠丝杠
19.2Ball internal circulation mode滚珠内循环方式
19.3Ball?screw pre?tightening mode diagram滚珠丝杠的预紧方式图
19.4Ball screw drive structural drawing滚珠丝杠传动结构图
19.5Ball screw support load diagram滚珠丝杠支撑载荷图
19.6Screw mounting location mode丝杠安装定位
Unit 20CNC Programming数控加工编程
20.1Coordinate system坐标系统
20.2Axes on a CNC machine tool数控机床的轴运动
20.3Axes on a CNC milling machine数控铣床的周运动
20.4Five?axis CNC machine五轴数控机床
20.5Word addresses,codes G,and codesM字代码,G代码和M代码
20.6Sequence and format of words字代码顺序与格式
20.7Manual part programming手动编程
20.8Programming: Cycles编程:循环加工
Unit 21Cutting Tools切削刀具
21.1Turning tools车刀
21.2Milling tools铣刀
21.3Boring tools镗刀
21.4Hole?making tools钻扩铰刀具
21.5Reamer cutters铰刀
21.6Trepanning tool套料钻
21.7Reciprocating process tools刨、拉、锯刀具
21.8Saw blade锯片
21.9Gear cutting tools齿型刀具
Unit 22Fittings辅助工具
22.1Measuring tools in workshop测量工具
22.2Marking out tools in workshop做标记工具
22.4Taps and tapping丝锥与攻螺纹
22.5Spanners and screwdrivers扳手和螺钉旋具


版权页:   插图:   FA Factory Autoimmunization 工厂自动化 FF Flip-Flop触发器,双稳态多谐振荡器 FMC Flexible Manufacturing Cell 柔性制造单元 FML Flexible Manufacturing Line 柔性制造线 FMM Flexible Manufacturing Module 柔性制造模块 FMS Flexible Manufacturing system 柔性制造系统 FPU Floating-Point Unit 浮点装置 FRN Feed Rate Number 进给倍率数 GT Group Technology 成组技术 GTO Gate Turn-off Thrusters 门电路关断晶闸管 GTR Giant Transistors 巨型功率晶体管 IAE Integral of Absolute Error 绝对误差积分 IC Integral Controller 积分控制器 I/O Input/Output 输入/输出 LSB Least Significant Bit 最低位 LSI Large-Scale Integration 大规模集成 ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 LAN Local Area Network 局域网 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏 LED Light-Emitting Diode 发光二极管 LLD Logical Link Control 逻辑链路控制 MAC Medium Accessing Control 介质存取控制 MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol 制造自动化协议 MC Machining Center 加工中心 MCU Machine Control Unit 机床控制设备 MDI Manual DATA Input 手动数据输入 MP Main Program 主程序 MPC Microprocessor Programmable Controller 微机可编程控制器 MRR Metal Removal Rate 金属切削速率 MSB Most-Significant Bit 最高位 MT Machine Tool 机床 MTBF Mean-time between Failures 平均故障间隔时间 NC Numerical Control 数字控制 NCI NC Intermediary通用的刀具轨迹文件 PC Proportional Controller 比例控制器 PDC Proportional Derivative Controller 比例微分控制器 PFM Pulse Frequency Modulation 脉冲频率调制 PIC Proportional Integral Controller 比例积分控制器 PIDC Proportional Integral Derivative Controller 比例积分微分控制器 PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程序逻辑控制器 PM Permanent Magnet 永久磁铁 PMC Programmable Machine Controller 可编程序机器控制器 PP Punched Tape Card Punch 纸带穿孔机 pps Pulse Per Second 每秒脉冲数 PSC Programmable Sequence Controller 可编程序顺序控制器 PTP Point-to-Point 点到点控制 PTR Photoelectricity Punch Tape Reader 光电纸带阅读机 PWM Pulse Width Modulation 脉冲宽度调制 ROM Read-only memory 只读存储器 r Revolution 转数 rad Radian弧度 RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器 RLC Relay Logic Circuit 继电器逻辑电路 ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器



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