
出版时间:2010-4  出版社:内蒙古人民出版社  作者:Liu Yanshan  页数:177  


In China and the
only minority ethnic group breeding reindeer. Prior to the
1950s,Ewenki hunters still retained the way of production and life
characteristic of the last stage of the primitive society.
Subsisting on raising reindeer, they are meat of animals,wore
clothes made of animal hides and resided in cuoluozi that merely
provide a shelter for cold in winter and rain in summer.
《Customs and Lifestyles Of Aoluguya》(Liu
Yunshan)is about the introduction raised, and minority life etc
English monographs.


Gustoms and Lifestyles of Aoluguga
Nigth talk in the forest
Morning in the Hunting Gamp
The myth offire
Reindeer:boats on the sea of trees
The Singing of the reindeer
Collecting Folk Songs in the Guolouzi
Follow the Tracks of the Bear
An Evening Larty around the Bonfure
Gathering Red Beans
The Fire Watch Tower:Eye over the Forest
The Lass Lwba



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