
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:韦斯特三世 等编  页数:353  




G·佩奇·韦斯特三世(G.Page West III),美国维克森林大学教授。曾在通用磨坊、Celestial Seasonings等公司从事了17年的市场营销和新业务开发工作.并担任西屋公司和其他技术公司的顾问。曾三次赢得学校的教学创新奖.并荣获“维克森林商学院最具影响力的教授”称号。研究侧重于新企业的高层管理团队和战略演变。在专业期刊上发表了大量的文章。查尔斯·E·班福德(Charles E.Bamford),夏洛特皇后大学企业家精神领域的Dennis Thompson主席。曾14次荣获教学优秀奖,包括6次EMBA年度优秀教师奖。


第I篇 概论:战略、绩效和方向
第1章 战略
第2章 绩效
第Ⅱ篇 分析
 第3章 外部环境
 第4章 价值链
 第5章 基于资源的分析
 第6章 业务层次战略
第Ⅲ篇 生命周期的动态性和企业战略
 第7章 生命周期
 第8章 竞争格局
 第9章 公司层次战略
第Ⅳ篇 执行
第10章 组织结构
第11章 控制和绩效


版权页:插图:Students and managers often get mission and vision confused. Mission statements have a significantly more bounded nature than broader, longer-term vision statements. Think about it this way. Imagine you are a secret agent working for an intelligence agency, such as Maxwell Smart working for Control. You and Agent 86 are sent on a mission to recover from KAOS a secret encoder that is key to how the Cone of Silence works. This mission is actually part of a grander long-term vision to reduce and ultimately destroy KAOS and its influence. Mission has to do with what we do in the immediate moment, and how we go about doing it based on our current strengths and capabilities. "Sorry about that, chief!The combination of both statements provides fundamental guidance by laying out the unique purpose of the organization and its defining competitive approach.8 Defining the mission and vision for a business are two of the most ifficult, yet equally most critical, elements in any company's long-term success. In fact, some have referred to the creation of vision and mission statements as a"wicked problem" because the problem is ill-formulated, the process can involve many people with conflicting values, and the result has ramifications for the whole business system? What constitutes a good mission and vision statement? How can these statements be developed? What impact will an effective set of statements have on the overall strategy and performance of the business?Before we proceed to the details of developing effective mission and vision statements, let's consider a larger question first: Why does it matter whether a company has a defined mission or vision statement? The majority of employees at any company come to work every day with the intention of working hard, doing something of real value for their company, and finding a personal and professional sense of accomplishment. What motivates employees to do their work? It is unrealistic to believe that a paycheck is their primary motivation. The question is, what is the glue that binds employees' collective actions on a daily basis into a consistent and unified effort for the company? This is the purpose of mission and vision statements.





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