
出版时间:2008-12  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:泰森  页数:246  


  北京大学出版社2008年最新引进了一套国外畅销的《英语写作原版影印系列丛书》,并邀请我为这套丛书写序,谈谈我对英语写作教学与研究的一些认识。我仔细翻阅后,觉得这套书特色十分鲜明,其中有几本再版达十次以上,经久不衰,非常乐意在此推荐给我国的广大读者。  在经济全球化和网络高度发达的今天,学好英语已变得十分重要,英语口头与书面语的表达能力已逐渐成为当今的核心竞争力之一,从第二语言学习的社会文化观看,能否流利地运用外语进行口头或书面交流已直接关系到学生的就业和未来发展。中国的英语写作教学有许多问题需要深入探讨,引进国外优秀的英语写作教学与研究成果,对于更新我国的英语写作教学观念和方法,改革当前的英语写作教学具有重要意义。  一、国内外二语写作研究概览  第二语言写作的教学与研究在国际上一直受到重视,国外的写作教学研究十分活跃,以美国为例,美国普度(PURDuE)大学每年定期召开二语写作学术研讨会,2008年6月6-7日召开的第7届写作年会的主题是:外语写作教学:原理与实践。二语写作拥有自己的研究队伍、研究机构、学术期刊。概括起来,国际二语写作研究集中在四个领域:(1)写作过程研究,重点关注认知操作模型、写作构思策略、学习者的个体差异以及写作过程的阶段性变化:(2)写作结果研究,采用文本分析、错误分析、对比分析、对比修辞分析、语料分析等方法;(3)写作社会文化因素研究,影响写作的社会结构、语域知识、动机和需求等因素;(4)写作教学研究,如教学过程、学习策略、语言水平发展、课堂教学环节、写作测试、网络写作课件开发等。国际二语写作研究近期关注四个热点:(1)批评对比修辞学,(2)母语写作迁移,(3)写作教师教育,(4)计算机辅助写作与研究。




PrefacePART ONE RESEARCH BASICS  CHAPTER 1 GET OFF TO A GOOD START    Step 1 : Choose a Topic    Step 2: Narrow Your Focus      Exercises    CHAPTER Z FIND THE PERFECT MATCH    Where Do You Find the Perfect Match?     How Do You Find the Perfect Match?     Exercises   CHAPTER 3  BECOME A RESEARCH "SUPERSLEUTH"    Ask Questions     Make Connections     Background Checks     The Thrill of the Hunt     Exercises   CHAPTER 4 GET IMMEDIATE RESULTS: DATABASES    What Is a Database?     Get to Know Your Databases     How Do Databases Work?     Exercises PART TWO RESEARCH USING THE WORLD WIDE WEB  CHAPTER 5  CASTYOUR NET IN STOCKED PONDS    Academic Research on the Internet Must Be Authenticated     Academic Research on the lnternet Must Be Done in "Stocked Ponds"      Use the Best Commercial Search Engines     Academic Research on the Internet Requires Careful Evaluation     Exercises   CHAPTER 6 FIELD RESEARCH ONLINE    Conducting an Interview     Developing a Survey     Exercises PART THREE RESEARCH DOCUMENTATION  CHAPTER 7 DOCUMENTATION: GENERAL RULES    A Few Words About Plagiarism: DON'TDO IT    A Sure Way to Impress: Incorporate and Document with Skill      Ererc/ses    CHAPTER 8 DOCUMENTATION: MLA FORMAT    Directory of Citation and Entry Formats     MLA In-Text Citations     MLA Works Cited Entries     Sample Research Paper Using MLA Style      Sample Literary Analysis Research Paper Using MLA Style    CHAPTER 9 DOCUMENTATION: APA FORMAT    Directory of Citation and Entry Formats     APA in-Text Citations     APA Reference List Entries     Sample Research Paper Using APA Style    CHAPTER 10 DOCUMENTATION: CSE FORMAT    Directory of Citation and Entry Formats     CSE In-Text Citations      CSE Reference List Entries      Sample Research Paper Using CSE Style    CHAPTER 11 DOCUMENTATION: CMS FORMAT    Directory of Note and Bibliography Entry Formats     CMS Foomotes, Endnotes, and Bibliographies     CMS Footnote/Endnote and Bibliography Format     Sample Research Paper Using CMS Style IndexCredits


  If the subject is assigned, try to shape your approach so that it reflects something that appeals to you, intrigues you, or even annoys you. You should at leastexperience a spark of curiosity. You should want to know more. Ideally, youll feelmuch more than a spark of interest, and youll discover that the assignment prorides an opportunity for you to learn more about the world, yourself, other people,and/or other cultures. Coming up with your own angle on a topic is simply a matter of learning how to ask good questions——and, of course, of knowing yourself.TUrn a “Boring” Topic into an interesting One. Suppose your American historyinstructor assigns a research project on "The Effects of the Vietnam War." Your firstreaction might be to dismiss this topic as essentially boring——as something that mighthave appealed to the baby-boomer generation but not to you. However, unless theprofessor is very specific about what types of effects he/she expects you to study (e.g.,the effects of the war on subsequent U.S. presidential elections), you can find a wayto connect the subject with something you really do find interesting. If you are majoring in the biological sciences or pursuing a career in a medical field, for instance, youmight research the long-term effects of Agent Orange on soldiers who fought in theVietnam conflict. Someone interested in film or the arts might compare the differentways this war has been represented in film in the decades following the conclusion ofAmerican involvement. A sociology major could investigate some of the reasons whypopular opinion concerning this war has changed since the 1960s. A student of architecture might consider the factors that influenced the design and construction of theVietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. It all comes back to knowing yourself and making connections that initially might not seem obvious.Stumped? Ask Others. Sometimes answers to questions such as the ones listedearlier might come with virtually no conscious effort on your part. When thathappens, the experience can seem almost magical. More often, especially fornovice writers, your thinking will seem blocked. You might sit at the computer forhours without accomplishing anything that feels like real progress. That is a per-fectly normal (if not particularly pleasant) experience. After all, a research projectinvolves multiple tasks, each of which is complex, and only some of which are tangible features of the final product. In the inevitable moments of frustration—— moments common to experienced writers as well as novices——it helps to remem ber that good thinking rarely occurs in a vacuum. If you cant come up with a good topic on your own, seek aid elsewhere.  Help can come in various forms. One option is to discuss the project with others.Make an appointment with your instructor. Explore your interests in conversation and ask for suggestions.Discuss the project with an instructor who teaches in your major or minor.Talk to other students in the class. After all, they are familiar with the assignment and will probably be eager to bounce ideas off you as well.Explain the assignment to friends and family members. Perhaps they can suggesta particular angle on the topic that combines your interests with the assignment.




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