Investment in China(Opportunities in Private Equity and Venture Capital) (精装)

出版时间:2003-8  出版社:清华大学出版社  作者:盛立军  页数:286  字数:424000  




Acknowledgement   ⅠPreface       ⅢIntroduction ⅤSection One  Opportunities for Private Equity InvestorChapter 1  Areas for Investment 1.1  Market in General  2 1.2  IT and Biotech 7 1.3  Service Industries  19 1.4  Manufacturing Industries     28Chapter 2  Identifying Opportunities 2.1  Investment Criteria       41 2.2  Market and Project Evaluation  46 2.3  Technology, Market and Location    50 2.4  Focusing on Private Sector       55Chapter 3  M&A in China 3.1  The market and trends 67 3.2  Opportunities & obstacles for international investors       70 3.3  Process of acquiring a Chinese company   73 3.4  Risk concern   79 3.5  Key M&A success factors  84 Section summarySection Two  Venture Capital Industry in ChinaChapter 4  Introduction to Venture Capital Industry 4.1  History       90 4.2  Government's role 97 4.3  Advantageous conditions   101 4.4  Problems with venture capital growth     104 4.5  Basic features of venture capital investment       108 4.6  Other features of venture capital investment       114 4.7  Cases       116Chapter 5  Legal and Social Cultural Environments      5.1  Legal environment on foreign direct investment 124 5.2  Capital Raising      127 5.3  Capital Structure    131 5.4  Intellectual Property Rights 133 5.5  Tax System      136 5.6  Foreign-Invested Venture Capital Enterprise      141 5.7  Governmental Authorities for Foreign Investors  145 5.8  Trend towards Improving the Legal Framework  148 5.9  Chinese Cultural Values on Business    155 5.10  Attitudes of Foreign Invested Enterprises on China's Business nvironment   Chapter 6  Venture Capital Originations and Venture Capitalists 6.1  Domestic Venture Capital  162 6.2  Venture Capital Organizations Funded by Governments 169 6.3  Domestic Venture Capital Organizations     174 6.4  Foreign Venture Capital     181 6.5  Intermediaries 186 6.6  Domestic Venture Capitalists   195 6.7  Sino-Foreign Venture Capital Cooperation 203 6.8  Cases       208Chapter 7  Survey and Quantitative Analysis      7.1  Hypothesis      215 7.2  Questionnaire 224 7.3  Figures and Data Analysis 226 7.4  Discussion and Implication       241 Section Summary    243Appendix  Resources Integration Perspective of Venture Capital /Private Equity over           Public Equity Market A.1  Introduction     245 A.2  Literature Review: Information Asymmetry and Agency Cost in Venture Capital       Model  A.3  Research Objectives   252 A.4  Information as Organizational Resource      253 A.5  Human Capital as Committed Resource     259 A.6  The Resources Integration Perspective       264 A.7  The Productivity of Public Equity Market      266 A.8  Discussion and Implication       270References 274About Authors    277




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