
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:北京师范大学出版社  作者:梁悦,胡爱清 主编  页数:220  字数:220000  




一、指导思想    本教材以后现代主义教育理论为指导,解构传统的课程学科体系,以涉外导游职业岗位行动领域为逻辑基点,创设学习领域和学习情境;运用建构主义学习理论,设计教学过程、组织教学实施,从而最终达到涉外导游素质的自我养成和涉外导游能力的自主建构之目的。   二、主要特点   本教材主要具有以下特点:   1.教学理念的先进性   以后现代主义教育理论为指导,打破传统的学科体系,从典型的工作场景和工作任务出发,组织教学内容;同时运用建构主义学习理论的基本原理,以教学设计和教学资源为手段,创设学习者自主学习环境。同时要求教师或培训人员采用任务教学法,以项目为驱动,组织教学或培训。   2.教学设计的开放性       开放性主要体现在教材内含的教学环节和教学活动的设计等方面。有利于涉外导游从业人员和导游相关专业在校生之思维培养。   3.教学素材的立体化   本立体化教材分上、下两册,由纸质教材、多媒体教学课件、网络教学平台和课程教学资源库四部分组成。   4.教学指向的职业化   本教材教学目标直接指向涉外导游工作岗位要求,从典型工作场景和典型工作内容出发,序化教学内容,从而使教学或培训达到涉外导游职业标准。


MODULE 1  QUALIFICATIONS Unit 1  Work as a tour guide Unit 2  Planning a tour Unit 3  Meeting the guests Unit 4  Moving people   Unit 5  Leadership skills Unit 6  Dealing with problemsMODULE 2    RECEPTION Unit 7  En route Unit 8  Greetings Unit 9  Hotel accommodation Unit 10  Dining in China Unit 11  Travel itinerary Unit 12  Shopping Unit 13  Entertainment Unit 14  Farewell Unit 15  Handling complaints


插图:Generally speaking, a local schedule consists of two parts: the tourists'schedule and your working schedule. The elements of the tourists' scheduleshould include: sites to be visited, hotels, modes of transportation, andrestaurants to be used, dates and time for arrival and departure, meals, freetime, etc.  This schedule should be written in a way that the tour leadercould understand and use it to inform the group about each day's activities.if you make good preparation for this schedule, you will save lots of timeeach day by not having to go over the day's schedule with the tour leader.Since the reader of the working schedule is usually the guide himself/herself, the local schedule should he a detailed working schedule for theguide's own use.  A good local schedule will help the guide understand thecontent of the tour, permitting him/her to make the necessary preparationsemotionally and practically. If you are the guide that will he with the touristspresenting information and taking care of their daily needs, you will need anhourly schedule for the entire time that you will be with them.  The moredetailed it is, the easier it will be for you to make the tour run smoothly.You should try to think of everything that you would need to do during thetour and write it into the schedule. And try to think of all the problems thatyou might have and brainstorm possible solutions to these problems.  Thisschedule is for your benefit. The time you spend on preparing it will affectyou and your ability to do your job as a highly qualified tour guide. It is wisefor you to prepare your local schedule in written form concisely providing thenecessary details. And you can put it in your pocket along with your tour.





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  •   深入浅出。适合初学者。
  •   我是为了教一个想考英语导游的人英语才买的这本书,那个人高中毕业水平,我觉得这本书比较适合这个水平的人来学习,基本也是从这个水平起步编排的。挺有用的。
  •   看不下去,黑白的。会催眠
  •   整个教材已阅读材料为主,不太实用。另外没有教学参考书,很不方便,编写说明里面说有多媒体教学课件,可是书又没有配光盘,也没有说明到哪里下载这个多媒体教学课件,总之这本书没法用,我打算下学期不用这个教材,虽然系上选的是这个教材,我还得找别的更适合的,太麻烦了。

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