
出版时间:2002-9  出版社:中央广播电视大学出版社  作者:钱建文 主编  页数:106  字数:163000  


本书根据中央广播电视大学2000年4月审定通过的《英语课程教学大纲》,组织全国部分学校英语课程骨干教师编写而成。    全书教学要求是:在初中英语教学的基础上,进一步掌握语音、语调,巩固、扩大语法知识,发展听、说、读、写、译的基本功能,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力和阅读理解能力,并使学生了解基本的专业术语,通过媒体教学,使学生的听力有所提高,能够进行日常会话和简单的对话。    本书分为上、下两册,并配有《英语辅导与练习》(上、下册)配套使用。同时录制了生动、活泼、科学、衫的《英语学习音像教材》。


Unit One  Listening in and Speaking out  Dialogue Greetings and Farewells  Text A I'm a Soldier  Grammar  Text B A Day in the Military CampUnit Two  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue Introductions  Text A Learning a Language  Grammar  Text B How to Use An English DictionaryUnit Three  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue Telephone Calls  Text A Planning a Birthday Party  Grammar  Text B A New Year's DinnerUnit Four  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue Asking the Way  Text A The Olympic Games  Grammar  Text B TenisUnit Five  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue Shopping  Text A The Moon Festiual  Grammar  Text B ChopsticksUnit Six  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue At the Post Office  Text A West Europe  Grammar  Text B The Great Wall of China   Revision(Unit 1-6)Unit Seven  Listening in and Speaking out   Dialogue At the Bank  Text A Bill Gates  Grammar  Text B Winston ChurchillUnit Eight……Unit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit Twelve



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