
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:南京大学出版社  作者:王凌,俞希 编著  页数:179  




第一章全国英语专业四级口试介绍一、英语专业四级口试情况介绍二、英语专业四级口试评分第二章口试答题要点及近年考试真题解析一、英语专业四级口试答题要点二、英语专业四级口试真题及答题分析第三章英语专业四级口试模拟题Model Test OneModel Test TwoModel Test ThreeModel Test FourModel Test FiveModel Test SixModel Test SevenModel Test Eight第四章全国英语专业四级口试研究全国英语四级录音口试评分的实践与研究对全国英语专业四级口语水平的评估英语专业四级口语测试的信度和效度全国英语专业四级口试的效度研究2009年英语专业四级口试评分情况分析全国英语专业四级口试电脑评分情况报告


  A little girl lived with…whose parent have died,he lived with his grandmother.He lived in a ground in,in his living room.One night,there is a fire.His,her grandma died.The fire sDread very quickly.The first floor was quickly in flame.The neighbor tried to rescue the,the girl but they couldn’t entered the room because flame blocks all the entrance.The,the girl was running to run at the window,cry for help.And the firefighter was late because they have to fight all kind of the fire.Suddenly,a,among the crowd,a man appeared with a ladder and he disappeared quickly into the room.When he re-ppeared with the little girl in his arm and then he disappeared in the night.A meeting hold to,to,to,to discuss who can bring the,the little girl up since the little girl have no relative to live with.A teacher stand up and said he could bring up the girl and he could ensure his education.A farmer said he could bring, bring up the girl on the farm because living on the farm he could have a healthy body and satisfying.Other people ex- pressed their advantages when,uh,if the girl live with them.Finally,the richest man stand up,said that I can give the girl all kind of the happiness plus money and what money can buy.The girl. after he,hearing that,he remain silence.The girl’s eYe on the floor.Then from the back of the halls walked,walked out a man. a man.He walks slowly and his arm was very,was very bad in-jured.He walked in pain.The little girl cried out:“That is the man who,who saved me.”And he,and the man held out his arm. his,her arm in his arm and the Iittle girl cried for a moment,and then smiled at the man.



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用户评论 (总计11条)


  •   专四口试的书好少,这本书值得一看!!!
  •   可以用作搞研究用,如果想考试,感觉还是不行
  •   很适合考试的同学适用哦
  •   专四口语前弄了这本书,配套不错!什么都有,就是自己没怎么看,有些小惭愧啊。。。呵呵。。。
  •   才知道需要评价
  •   内容很不错,可是送来的书的外壳很皱折~所附光盘还没有听呢,完好无损
  •   感觉这本书就是介绍下考试题型,本以为光碟中会有什么文本资料似的,结果却发现只有MP3,哎,有点小失望,不过总体还行吧
  •   挺好的,录音也好,清晰。
  •   一般,书的质量有点差,一整页都是字看了头晕。
  •   书的内容编排很好,所给的例子具有不同的层次不同分数,而不是直接就给标准答案。但是,光盘里的音频质量有待提高,呵呵!
  •   所以后来就没怎末看

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