
出版时间:2007-7  出版社:南开大学  作者:胡阶娜  页数:225  




Chapter One Early Settlements and Puritanism Rending -A Description of New England Further Reading - A ModeU of Christian CharityChapter Two Enlightenment Reading - Poor Richards Almanac Further Rending - Sinners in the Hands of an Angry GodChapter Three Romanticism Reading i - I Hear America Singing Reading 2 - "Nature" is what we see Further Reading 1 - Nature Further Reading 2 - Moby Dick Further Reading 3 - The Scarlet LetterChapter Four Realism, Regionalism and Naturalism Reading - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Further Rending 1 - The Awakening Further Reading 2 - The Red Badge of CourageChapter Five Modernism Reading 1 -Mending Wall Reading 2 - In a Station of the Metro Further Rending I - The Red Wheelbarrow Further Reading 2 - Sea Rose Further Reading 3 - Tender is the NightChapter Six Postmodernism Reading - Nobel Acceptance Speech Further Reading - Nobel Acceptance SpeechReferences



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