
出版时间:2007-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:韩宝成,Sarah Nelmes 著  页数:109  


  《高中英语同步听力》是(《英语》(新标准)系列教材的配套出版物,供老师开展课堂听力教学或指导学生进行课外自主听力训练使用。  本教材是依据国家《英语课程标准》对高中英语学习提出的目标和要求编写的,总的指导思想是使学生通过一定的听力实践活动系统训练和全面提高英语听力技能,从而提升实际运用语言的能力。  本教材采用主题模块化设计,沿用主教材主题,每个模块大致由六个听力任务组成。本教材具有以下特色:  一、依据不同主题的特点和内容,主要对主旨要点、。具体信息、情感态度、人物关系、推理判断等方面的听力技能进行专项训练。听力是外语学习者较难掌握的技能之一,在学习过程中,学习者需进行大量的反复训练才能掌握。本教材不同模块听力技能训练的重点有所不同,目的是使学生的某项听力技能通过反复训练得到加强和提高。  二、注重听力技能发展的系统性。虽然不同模块听力技能训练的侧重点不一样,但整套教材的设计具有很强的系统性。一方面使学生在听力技能发展的各个层面都能得到训练,同时每个模块也设有综合技能训练任务,注重学生综合听力理解能力的提高。  三、听力材料自然地道。对中高级英语学习者来讲,自然、地道且难易适中的听力材料是训练并提高英语听力技能的重要保证。本教材由国外从事教材编写的专业作者编写,并由外国专家录音,语言、语音均地道、准确。  四、活动及练习形式灵活多样,既有客观性的听力理解训练,又有开放性的练习形式,如听、写结合的填空、完成句子等,并配以插图,趣味性强。  五、与教学同步,可以用作课堂教学的同步训练。  我们希望这套听力教材作为主教材的有益补充,不仅能够解决高中学生听力资源不足的问题,而且能够帮助学生在听力技能及综合语言素养方面得到全面提高。


  《高中英语同步听力(必修5、选修6)(高中2年级上册)》是依据《英语》(新标准)教材开发的配套听力训练,全面贯彻国家《英语课程标准》对中学英语学习所提出的听力技能发展要求。特色:吸收先进听力训练和测试理论,依据语言学习规律,科学合理安排学习内容,借鉴“任务型学习”原则,注重学用结合。  配合教材模块进度,紧扣模块主题和语言学习重点,可用作课堂同步听力训练。  任务型评价和测试相结合,实用性强。  由英国专家录音,发音地道、精准。


必修 5Module 1 British and American EnglishModule 2 AJobWorth DoingModule 3 Adventure in Literature and the CinemaModule 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in Danger顺序选修 6Module 1 Small TalkModule 2 Fantasy LiteratureModule 3 Interpersonal Relationships- FriendshipModule 4 MusicModule 5 CloningModule 6 War and PeaceAnswer Key


  Interviewer: Hello, can I ask you some questions about your English studies?  Student: OK.  Interviewer: How long have you been studying English at this school?  Student: About six months.  Interviewer: How many classes do you have every week?  Student: Five classes a week.  Interviewer: What do you like about the library at this school?  Student: I think its good. There are a lot of interesting books, and I like listening to the study tapes.  Interviewer: Do you like the teachers here?  Student: Yes, I think they are really good. They always make the lessons very interesting.  Interviewer: Do you think its a good idea to have different teachers every month?  Student: Yes. Since some of the teachers are from different countries, you can hear different accents.  Interviewer: Did you have any problems getting used to the different accents?  Student: Yes. When I first had Mr Black, I couldnt get used to his British accent.  Interviewer: Do you have any problems now?  Student: No. I prefer the British accent, now that Ive got used to it.  Interviewer: Do you think there are any differences between British English and American English?  Student: Yes. They sometimes use different words and spellings, for example, the British people say "holiday" and the Americans say "vacation".  Interviewer: Do you think its useful to know about these differences?  Student: Yes, I think its very interesting. Since I have a lot of English friends, I can understand when they use different words to say the same thing Key?



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