
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:南开大学出版社  作者:田海龙,曹青 编  页数:214  




Notes on Author 1IntroductionLanguage,Discoure and Identity in Globalized China 1Qing Cao and Hailong TianPART ONE LANGUAGE USE IN CROSS-CULTURAL CONTEXTChapter OneThe Concept of Accountability in Management Control:British andChinese Perceptior and Their Recontextualization 3Hailong Tian and Dermot WilliamsonChapter TwoCultural Conditionality of Compreherion:The Perception ofAutonomy in China 26 Jana S.RoskerPART TWO LANGUAGE USE IN GLOBAL CONTEXTChapter ThreeReimaging Traditior:The Role of Culture in China's ExternalRelatior 45 Qing CaoChapter FourHybridity of Discoures towards Globalizatinn:RearticulatingManagement Discoure in China Travel Service 7l JIN Linghui and WU ZongjieChapter FiveDiscoures of the National and the Global:A Case Study of CrazyEnglish 97 Heidi Ross and Yimin WangPART THREE LANGUAGE USE IN DOMESTIC CONTEXTChapter SixInnovation and Experimentation:Language Style in “New Era”Chinese Literature 117 Lan YangChapter SevenRecortructing Contemporary Chinese Political Discoure inTrarlation 155 Dongning Feng and Jingling LiChapter EightPublic Sigr and the Discurive Cortruction of Socio-culturalIdentities in Contemporary China 178 Rugang LuAbstracts in Chinese 202Index 209



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