
出版时间:2008-2  出版社:安徽中国科技大学  作者:戴俊霞  页数:309  




PrefacePart Ⅰ  Methodology in English Language TeachingChapter 1  Historical Overview of ELT Methodology1.1  Traditional Approaches: Grammar-Translation Method and Direct Method1.2  Structuralist Approaches: Situational Language Teaching and Audiolingual Method1.3  Humanistic Approaches: from Community Language Learning to SuggestopediaChapter 2  Developments of Communicative Approaches2.1  Communicative Language Teaching2.2  The Natural Approach2.3  Task-Based Language Teaching2.4  Content-Based Instruction2.5  English Language Teaching in the Post-MethodEraPart Ⅱ Focus on English Language KnowledgeChapter 3  Teaching Grammar3.1  Introduction3.2  Research in the Teaching of Grammar3.3  Approaches to Grammar Teaching3.4  Testing GrammarChapter 4  Teaching Vocabulary4.1  Introduction4.2  Research in the Teaching of Vocabulary4.3  Approaches to Vocabulary Teaching4.4  Testing VocabularyChapter 5  Teaching Pronunciation5.1  Introduction5.2  Research in the Teaching of Pronunciation5.3  Approaches to Pronunciation Teaching5.4  Testing PronunciationPart Ⅲ  Focus on English kanguage SkillsChapter 6  Teaching Listening6.1  Introduction6.2  Research in the Teaching of Listening6.3  Approaches to Teaching Listening6.4  Testing ListeningChapter 7  Teaching Speaking7.1  Introduction7.2  Research in the Teaching of Speaking7.3  Approaches to Teaching Speaking7.4  Testing SpeakingChapter 8  Teaching Reading8.1  Introduction8.2  Research in the Teaching of Reading8.3  Approaches to Teaching Reading8.4  Testing ReadingChapter 9  Teaching Writing9.1  Introduction9.2  Research in the Teaching of Writing9.3  Approaches to Teaching Writing9.4  Testing WritingPart Ⅳ  Focus on Cross-Cultural CommunicationChapter 10  Teaching Culture10.1  Introduction10.2  Research in the Teaching of Culture10.3  Approaches to Teaching CultureReferences




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