
出版时间:2006-11  出版社:对外翻译  作者:蔡章兵 编  页数:214  




第一部分 记叙文第一节 人物故事第二节 生活记闻第三节 写景抒情第二部分 应用文第一节 通知第二节 便条第三节 日记第四节 书信第五节 启事第六节 邮件第三部分 说明文第一节 人物说明第二节 事物说明第三节 事理说明第四部分 议论文第一节 比较型议论文第二节 因果型议论文第三节 归纳型议论文第五部分 看图作文第六部分 海外中学生优秀作文赏析


  Our desks and chairs are made of wood. The paper for books and newspapers isal so made from wood. Even some kinds of cloth are made from it. Many peopleburn wood to keep themselves Warm in winter. Indeed, wood is very important in our daily life.  Where does wood come from? It is taken from trees, which grow in the mountains. Do you know how it gets to us from the mountains?  First of alt, trees are cut down when they grow big enough. Then the irbranches are cut off. These heavy logs are gathered together in different ways and taken down to the foot of the mountains. Some of them are jloated down the brooks and others are carried down on trains.  People often say, "Even without stepping out of my house, I know all that has been happening in the world." I think that is quite true because they have newspapers which are of great value to us.  We get all kinds of news from the newspapers. This helps us understand the developing world without having to go to the places where events are. Newspapers not only carry news, they also teach us many useful tlungs, such as giving first aid, cooking, playing chess and taking good photos.  Reading newspapers can widen our scope of knowledge. We can also learn many new things from newspapers.  ……



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