
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:中国出版集团,中国对外翻译出版公司  作者:王实甫  页数:446  


  我国古代戏曲作品刊刻最多、流传最广、影响最大的应以王实甫《西厢记》为首屈一指。明末清初的戏曲理论家李渔(1611~1685)说过:“自有《西厢》以迄于今,四百余载,推《西厢》为填词第一者,不知几千万人,而能历指其所以第一之故者,独出一金圣叹(1608~1661)!”(《闲情偶寄》填词余论)。所以我们这本汉英对照《西厢记》选用了金圣叹评点的《贯华堂第六才子书西厢记》。  《圣叹外书》中说:“《西厢记》不同小可,乃是天地妙文。”“今后任凭是绝代才子,切不可云此本《西厢记》我亦做得出也。便教当时作者而在,要他烧了此本重做一本,已是不可复得。”“若使异时更作,亦不妨另自有其绝妙,然而无奈此番已是绝妙也。不必云异时不能更妙于此,然亦不必云异时尚将更妙于此也。”异时“另自有其绝妙”的作品,是三百年后英国莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。为什么说《西厢记》“此番已是绝妙”呢?


  《西厢记》是元代著名剧作家王实甫的代表作,也是一部优美动人的言情传奇小说。作为剧本,它与《牡丹亭》、《长生殿》、《桃花扇》一起被誉为“四大名剧”,它们体现了我国古代戏剧作品的最高成就。  唐德宗时,洛阳才子张君瑞在普救寺偶遇故相国崔珏之女崔莺莺,两人一见钟情,在丫鬟红娘相助下,冲破封建礼教的代言人——老夫人设下的重重障碍,历尽悲欢离合,最终结为夫妻。本故事内容生动,情节曲折,缠绵悱恻,跌宕起伏,读来令人荡气回肠,如同身临其境。


前言第一本第一折 惊艳第二折 借厢第三折 酬韵第四折 闹斋第二本第一折 寺警第二折 请宴第三折 赖婚第四折 琴心第三本第一折 前候第二折 闹简第三折 赖简第四析后候第四本第一折 酬简第二折 拷艳第三折 哭宴第四折 惊梦第五本第一折 捷报第二折 猜寄第三折 争艳第四折 团圆


  My surname is Zheng and that of my late husband is Cui, former Prime Minister who died unfortunately in the capital. We have only this nine-teen-year-old daughter, Yingying, able to sew and embroider, to compose verse, to write a good hand and to make calculations. She was betrothed, when my husband was alive, to my nephew Zheng Heng, eldest son of Minister Zheng; but as the period of mourning has not expired, their marriage has not yet taken place. This little maid, Rose, has been in the service of my daughter since her childhood. This lad, Merry Boy, was adopted by my husband so that he might have a descendant. After my husbands death, I and my daughter wanted to convey his coffin to the burial ground at Boling, but, obstructed on the way we were unable to proceed, so we deposited his coffin temporarily at the Salvation Monastery in the Mid-River Prefecture. This monastery was erected by the imperial favor of Her Majesty the Empress Wu Zetian (A. D. 690-712). The Abbot, Fa Ben, was originally presented for ordination by my husband, so the western bower is reserved for our use. I have written to Zheng Heng at the capital.


  中华文明是世界上唯一历时五千年未曾中断且历久弥新的文明,成就了这一文明的中华文化源远流长、博大精深。本丛书从浩如烟海的中华文化古籍中精选在历史上影响至巨且深为西方读者瞩目的经典,作为了解中国传统文化的必读书目,在保持当下最新的学术研究水准的前提下.以汉英对照版本,让国内外读者一睹古代典籍的原貌,原汁原味地汲取中华文明的精华和真谛。  月色横空,花阴满族。玉宇无尘,银河泻影。  Chinese civilization is the only civilization in the world that has been developing continuously for 5,000 years and is as dynamic as it has ever been. The books in this series have been carefully selected from a vast number of Chinese classics that were enormously influ- ential throughout history, and have received considerable attention from Western readers. Since these books are fundamental to the understanding of traditional Chinese culture, both the Chinese texts and the corre- sponding English translations are provided so that the highest current standards of academic research can be maintained. This allows both Chinese and foreign people to read original ancient Chinese books and capture the essence of Chinese civilization.




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