
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:中国对外翻译  作者:海明威  页数:75  


  《老人与海》是海明威的代表作,也是一部象征性的小说。这部小说讲述古巴的一个名叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫,独自出海打鱼,在八十四天一无所获之后捕到了一条巨大无比的马林鱼。老人从来没见过也没听说过这么大的鱼,它比他的船还长两英尺!鱼的力气非常大,拖着小船漂流了整整两天两夜,老人在这两天两夜中经历了从未经受的艰难考验,终于把鱼刺死拴在船头。然而,老人在返航时不幸遇上了鲨鱼,他与鲨鱼进行了殊死搏斗,最终,大马林鱼还是被鲨鱼吃光了。老人历经艰辛,最后拖回家的只是一副光秃秃的鱼骨架和一身的伤痛,不过,他还是得到了人们的赞赏…… 这本《老人与海(世界文学名著英语原著版)》是“中译经典文库”系列之一,由中国出版集团公司、中国对外翻译出版有限公司出品。


作者:(美国)海明威(Ernest Hemingway)  海明威(Ernest Hemingway),(1899-1961)是美国现代著名小说家、诺贝尔文学莫获得者,早期以“迷惘的一代”的代表著称。他的作品风格独特,文体简洁,在欧美很有影响。海明威1899年7月21日生于伊利诺伊州的奥克帕克。他父亲是内科医生和体育爱好者,母亲是音乐教师,在父母的影响下,他从小就酷爱体育、捕鱼、狩猎,爱好音乐与绘画。中学毕业后,他当了6个月的《堪萨斯城星报》见习记者。第一次世界大战爆发后,他志愿赴意大利当战地救护车司机。1918年夏,他在前线被炮弹炸成重伤回国休养。1921年,他作为加拿大《多伦多星报》记者前往巴黎,结识了美国女作家斯坦因、青年作家安德森和诗人庞德等,在写作上得到他们的鼓励和指导。侨居巴黎的几年是海明威文学生涯的启蒙时期,后来,他放弃记者的采访工作,专门从事写作。他1923年发表处女作《三个短篇小说和十首诗》;1925年发表了短篇小说集




版权页:   For a long time after that everyone had called him The Champion and there had been a return match in the spring.But not much money was bet and he had won it quite easily since he had broken the confidence of the negro from Cienfuegos in the first match.After that he had a few matches and then no more.He decided that he could beat anyone if he wanted to badly enough and he decided that it was bad for his right hand for fishing.He had tried a few practice matches with his left hand.But his left hand had always been a traitor and would not do what he called on it to do and he did not trust it. The sun will bake it out well now, he thought.It should not cramp on me again unless it gets too cold in the night.I wonder what this night will bring. An airplane passed overhead on its course to Miami and he watched its shadow searing up the schools of flying fish. "With so much flying fish there should be dolphin," he said, and leaned back on the line to see if it was possible to gain any on his fish.But he could not and it stayed at the hardness and water-drop shivering that preceded breaking.The boat moved ahead slowly and he watched the aeroplane until he could no longer see it. It must be very strange in an aeroplane, he thought.I wonder what the sea looks like from that height.They should be able to see the fish well if they do not fly too high.I would like to fly very slowly at two hundred fathoms high and see the fish from above.In the turtle boats I was in the cross-trees of the mast-head and even at that height I saw much.The dolphin look greener from there and you can see their stripes and their purple spots and you can see all ofthe school as they swim.Why is it that all the fast-moving fish of the dark current have purple backs and usually purple stripes or spots? The dolphin looks green of course because he is really golden.But when he comes to feed, truly hungry, purple stripes show on his sides as on a marlin.Can it be anger, or the greater speed he makes that brings them out?






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