
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:石油工业出版社  作者:傅伟良  页数:402  字数:320000  


本书是《英文经济报刊精读》的修订版本,由北京第二外国语学院资深副教授傅伟良等编著,书中的文章全部选自2003-2005年期间的国外报刊杂志及部分《中国日报》的精湛文章,内容涉及经济、贸易、金融等领域,内容新颖,与当前形势紧密结合,具有很强的实用性、知识性、时代性、趣味性。    本书还增补了金融双语解读部分,以短小精悍、文字优美的英文原文为主料,配以准确流畅的中文译文,并对一些难点做脚注,以供不同水平的读者欣赏。    本书特点:1、写作水平高,由北京第二外国语学院傅伟良副教授组织编写;2、目前国内唯一一本关于英文经济报刊阅读的学习参考书;3、重点、难点详细分析、相关背景介绍及阅读扩展。


Unit One 经济增长  1.1 Despite sign of global recovery,OECD points to many risks  1.2 Growth in US is fasted for 20 years  1.3 Optimism picks up in U.S. along with GDP  1.4 OPEC cut could slow recovery  1.5 Factories in Europe show gains in output  1.6 Japanese growth revised down  1.7 Production surges 1.3% in France  1.8 Business confidence in Germany fises againUnit Two 就业  2.1 Keeping employees happy is rising cost for U.S.firms  2.2 Indians bridle at being target of U.S. over job tension  2.3 Australian employment declines as companies seek to trim costs  2.4 Unemployment rate falls in New Zealand  2.5 New Zealand unemployment increase  2.6 Jobless rate hits record in Singapore  2.7 Boosting employment now a top preiorityUnit Three 银行业  3.1 China raises bank cap ahead of bailout  3.2 Nation frees up lending rates  3.3 Germany rejects EU's call to trim its deficit  3.4 Tokyo sees no fallout in bank takeover  3.5 H.K.authority buys $200 million  3.6 Chinese central bank plans to auction bills  3.7 “Big four”bab loans witness big drop  3.8 China takes bad debt on the road  3.9 Bank gets ready for going public  3.10 What global asset bubbles may have in commonUnit Four 货币与利率  4.1 IMF backs China on value of yuan  4.2 Little hope in U.S.on yuan rate  4.3 China urged to link yuan to“basket”  4.4 China ugts ally in currency feud  4.5 Surging currency lowers Japan exports  4.6 U.K.sales rise,adding to rate push  4.7 Japan sees expansion next year  4.8 G7 Says It Wants Flexible Currencies  4.9 FOREX-Dollar jumps on fecord U.S.capital inflows  4.10 Weak japan survey helps dollar to rally  4.11 Stability of Renminbi reaffirmedUnit Five 证券市场Unit Six 国际收支Unit Seven 国际贸易Unit Eight 贸易争端Unit Nine 中国经济Unit Ten 消费与投资补充阅读材料:金融双语解读




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  •   当当竟然有这本书,真的太好了。产品齐全。另外,我还要一本《视视野写作教程5》和一本《法语动词变位》。什么时候到货,通知我哦
  •   我挺喜欢这本书的,而且内容也不错,到货时,一看质量还是不错的
  •   在大学的时候买的,非常非常好
  •   内容很丰富,值得一度!

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