
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:世界图书出版公司北京公司  作者:李 (Debra S.Lce)  页数:161  字数:260000  


American Legal English: Using Language in Legal Contexts Provides a basic introduction to the U.S.legal system for nonnative speakers of English.The text provides vital instruction to both law students and legal practitioners by combining elements of law and language to enhance nonnative spakers'ability to communicate with their legal counterparts in English.    Reading, writing, listening,and speaking activities are included in each chapter of american legal English.Many of the activites are collaborative,engaging students'interest and involving them in the learning process,In addition,realia,in the form of cases and statutes,is included so that surdents become comfortable with legal English and its sometimes difficult synatx.    Attorney and nonattorney ESP instructors alike will find American Legal English integral to their creation of an effective learning environment in law and language coureses.


Introduction  Notes to Instructors with No Language Training  Notes to Instructors with No Legal Training  Notes no Using the Exercises and Flash Reviews  Notes no Using the Audiotape  Notes no Conventions and Extra Material in the Instructor's EditionChapter One: Origins of the AMerican Legal System Level 1: Discovering Connections Level 2: Legally Speaking Level 3: Legal Thumbnail Level 4: Language Focus Level 5: Additional ExercisesChapter Two: Legal Authorities and Reasoning Level 1: Discovering Connections Level 2: Legal Listening and Writing Level 3: Legal Thumbnail Level 4: Cultural Focus Level 5: Additional ExericseChapter Three: Criminal Law Level 1: Discovering Connections Level 2: Legal Terms  Level 3: Legal Thumbnail Level 4: Cultural Focus Level 5: Additional ExercisesChapter Four: Civil Procedure Level 1: Discovering Connections Level 2: Legal Listening Level 3: Legal Thumbnail Level 4: Languane Focus Level 5: Additional Exercis……




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   原来买过学生用书,一直没有买到教师用书,最近看到有货了,赶紧购买,本人英语水平很差,所以感觉有很多需要学习的地方,要加紧啊。
  •   书很好,但有点基础。若语音的部分包括所有课文就更好了。
  •   书里面有坏页,纸张质量极差,但由于急用,在当当网一般换货很困难,所以也就没有选择换一本!

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