
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:侯新民  页数:220  字数:280000  


为了满足市场的需求,帮助BEC考生尽快地了解考试试题的规律,掌握必要的应试技巧,打下坚实的基础,做好充分的准备,并顺利地通过考试,我们特编写了剑桥商务英语系列教程。    该系列教程由五个分册构成:剑桥商务英语听力教程,剑桥商务英语口语教程,剑桥商务英语阅读教程,剑桥商务英语写作教程和剑桥商务英语全真测试题集。该系列教程的特点有以下几个方面:    1 循序渐进,由易到难。    本系列教程,每册基本上由试题简介,基本功训练,专项训练和讲解,应试技巧及模拟测试等部分组成。语言简明扼要,深入浅出,内容由易到难,循序渐进。考生可以逐步了解考试全貌,并逐渐提高应试能力。    2 内容丰富,覆盖面广。    本系列教程,包括BEC考试的方方面面,既有听、说、读、写,又有全真测试题集。考生可先进行基础训练,专项训练,然后再进行综合训练,以期达到扎实的语言基本功和较高的语言运用能力。    3 有的放矢,实用性强。    本系列教程主要针对剑桥商务英语证书考试的四个部分,即听、说、读、写的内容、任务、要老谋深算进行细致的讲解,所提供的应试策略方向明确,易于操作,实用性强。


Chapter One A Brief Introduction to BEC Vantage WritingChapter Two Basic Skills for Writing  Part One Sentence Writing  Part Two Paragraph Writing  Part Three Essay WritingChapter Three Test-targeed Skills Drills  Part One Business Letters  Part Two Memorandum,Business ReportsChapter Four Techniques for BEC WritingChapter Five Model Writing TestsAnswers to Model Writing TestsAppendix 1Appendix 2


  Example 3  There are three kinds of b00k owners.The first has all the standard sets andbest-sellers-unread,untouched.The second has a great many books a few of themread through,mostof them were bought.The third has a few books Or many everyone of them dogeared and dilapidated,shaken and loosened by continual use,marked and scribbled in front to back.  作者将藏书者分为三类,条理十分清楚。  Example 4  Nowadays the news media mainly consists of radio,television and newspapers.Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Newspapers are the oldest form for communicating the news.Today manypeople still begin their day by reading the morning paper while having breakfast,andend their day by reading the evening paper while having dinner.  The invention of the radio has had a tremendous influence on the world.It isable to bring up-to-minute news to distant places in a matter of seconds.Thus thedevelopment of the radio has made the world a smaller place.  Television is the most recently developed device for communication.It allows USto see as well aS to hear the news.The fact that it enables people to see visualimages has had a considerable effect on our perceptions of world event.  作者把新闻媒体分成三类:收音机、电视和报纸,并分别说明了各自的优缺点。  Example 5  Physical activities and intellectual pursuits are the two basic ways in which wespend our leisure time.  Physical activities give US the opportunities to strengthen our bodies and tosatisfy our competitive nature.The activities range from participation in strenuousspots such as running,football,or tennis。In addition,we can choose whether wewant to enjoy these activities as part of a group,for example,a football team,or insolitary pursuit,like spending a quiet afternoon fishing.Physical pastimes providewelcome and necessary breaks in our often sedentary lives,and alert US to ourphysical condition.


  针对剑桥商务英语证书考试最新大纲要求,从听、说、读、写四个方面进行细致讲解,提供应试策略与技巧。  每分册由试题简介、基本功训练、专项训练和讲解、应试技巧及模拟测试等部分组成。  内容涉及一般工作环境下及商务活动中的各层面,更加贴近考试大纲。




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用户评论 (总计14条)


  •   编写的很详细哦……好长时间没有看英文啦,可以说是从头考试学习,很适合。
  •   从基础开始,还行吧
  •   书的质量还可以,照着学习应该会有提高的。
  •   还没看,似乎还可以
  •   前面是一些基本知识,词组啊,语法啊什么的,后面就是各类的作文了。
  •   不错的,推荐!
  •   关于基础讲得多一些,但是看起来并不是很贴近考试
  •   刚开始的语法很综合是一本基础读物
  •   书上很多内容都没什么用,例句范文很少。
  •   要是能再具体一点就更好了
  •   太简单了点!
  •   适合初级者学习~~
  •   没说是中级还是高级的,害我买错了我本来想买高级的,结果寄来了是中级的,只能转手卖给班上要考中级的同学了拜托以后说的清楚一点。。。。
  •   烂到极点

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