
出版时间:2009-9  出版社:中国城市  作者:(德)雅各布·格林//威廉·格林|译者:(英)玛格丽特·亨特  页数:498  译者:玛格丽特·亨特  


雅各布·格林和威廉·格林兄弟是德国著名的语言学家,童话作家。他们搜集和编辑的《儿童与家庭童话集》,在全世界享有盛名,在我国通称为《格林童话》。     《格林童话》是世界儿童文学的宝贵财富,她与《安徒生童话》、《一千零一夜》并称为“世界三大儿童文学经典”。     《格林童话》已被翻译成140种文字,在世界各国广泛传播,成为仪次于《圣经》的深受成人和儿童欢迎的德语作品。     2005年,联合国教科文组织把德语版的《格林童话》列为世界文化遗产,称赞它是“欧洲和东方童话传统的划时代汇编作品”。


作者:(德国)雅各布·格林(Grimm.J.) (德国)威廉·格林(Grimm.W.) 译者:(德国)玛格丽特·亨特(Hunter.M.)


THE FAIRY TALES  1. The Frog-King, or Iron Henry  2. Cat and Mouse in Partnership  3. Our Lady's Child  4. The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was  5. The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids  6. Faithful John  7. The Good Bargain  8. The Wonderful Musician  9. The Twelve Brothers  10. The Pack of Ragamuffins  11. Brother and Sister  12. Rapunzel  13. The Three Little Men in the Wood  14. The Three Spinners  15. Hansel and Grethel  16. The Three Snake-Leaves  17. The White Snake  18. The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean  19. The Fisherman and His Wife  20. The Valiant Little Tailor  21. Cinderella  22. The Riddle  23. The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage  24. Mother Holle  25. The Seven Ravens  26. Little Red-Cap  27. The Bremen Town-Musicians  28. The Singing Bone  29. The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs  30. The Louse and the Flea  31. The Girl Without Hands  32. Clever Hans  33. The Three Languages  34. Clever Elsie  35. The Tailor in Heaven  36. The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack  37. Thumbling  38. The Wedding of Mrs.Fox  39. The Elves  40. The Robber Bridegroom  41. Herr Korbes  42. The Godfather  43. Frau Trude  44. Godfather Death  45. Thumbling as Journeyman  46. Fitcher's Bird  47. The Juniper-Tree  48. Old Sultan  49. The Six Swans  50. Briar-Rose  51. Fundevogel  52. King Thrushbeard  53. Little Snow-white  54. The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn  55. Rumpelstiltskin  56. Sweetheart Roland  57. The Golden Bird  58. The Dog and the Sparrow  59. Frederick and Catherine  60. The Two Brothers  61. The Little Peasant  62. The Queen Bee  63. The Three Feathers  64. The Golden Goose  65. Allerleirauh  66. The Hare's Bride  67. The Twelve Huntsmen  68. The Thief and his Master  69. Jorinda and Joringel  70. The Three Sons of Fortune  71. How Six Men Got on in the World  72. The Wolf and the Man  73. The Wolf and the Fox  74. Gossip Wolf and the Fox  75. The Fox and the Cat  76. The Pink  77. Clever Grethel  78. The Old Man and His Grandson  79. The Water-Nix  80. The Death of the Little Hen  81. Brother Lustig  82. Gambling Hansel  83. Hans in Luck  84. Hans Married  85. The Gold-Children  86. The Fox and the Geese  87. The Poor Man and the Rich Man  88. The Singing, Soaring Lark  89. The Goose-Girl  90. The Young Giant  91. The Elves  92. The King of the Golden Mountain  93. The Raven  94. The Peasant's Wise Daughter  95. Old Hildebrand  96. The Three Little Birds  97. The Water of Life  98. Doctor Knowall  99. The Spirit in the Bottle  100. The Devil's Sooty Brother  101. Bearskin  102. The Willow-Wren and the Bear  103. Sweet Porridge  104. Wise Folks  105. Stories about Snakes  106. The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat  107. The Two Travellers  108. Hans the Hedgehog  109. The Shroud  110. The Jew Among Thorns  111. The Skilful Huntsman  112. The Flail From Heaven  113. The Two Kings' Children  114. The Cunning Little Tailor  115. The Bright Sun Brings It to Light  116. The Blue Light  117. The Wilful Child  118. The Three Army-Surgeons  119. The Seven Swabians  120. The Three Apprentices  121. The King's Son Who Feared Nothing  122. Donkey Cabbages  '  123. The Old Woman in the Wood  124. The Three Brothers  125. The Devil and his Grandmother  126. Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful  127. The Iron Stove  128. The Lazy Spinner  129. The Four Skilful Brothers  130. One-eye, Two-eyes, and Three-eyes  131. Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie  132. The Fox and the Horse  133. The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces  134. The Six Servants  135. The White Bride and the Black One  136. Iron John  137. The Three Black Princesses  138. Knoist and his Three Sons  139. The Maid of Brakel  140. Domestic Servants  141. The Lambkin and the Little Fish  142. Simeli Mountain  143. Going A-Travelling  144. The Donkey  145. The Ungrateful Son  146. The Turnip  147. The Old Man Made Young Again  148. The Lord's Animals and the Devil's  149. The Beam  150. The Old Beggar-Woman  151. The Three Sluggards 151. The Twelve Idle Servants  152. The Shepherd Boy  153. The Star-Money  154. The Stolen Farthings  155. Brides On Their Trial  156. Odds And Ends  157. The Sparrow And His Four Children  158. The Story of Schlauraffen Land  159. The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders  160. A Riddling Tale  161. Snow-White and Rose-Red  162. The Wise Servant  163. The Glass Coffin  164. Lazy Harry  165. The Griffin  166. Strong Hans  167. The Peasant in Heaven  168. Lean Lisa  169. The Hut in the Forest  170. Sharing Joy and Sorrow  171. The Willow-Wren  172. The Sole  173. The Bittern and the Hoopoe  174. The Owl  175. The Moon  176. The Duration of Life  177. Death's Messengers  178. Master Pfriem / Master Cobbler's Awl  179. The Goose-Girl at the Well  180. Eve's Various Children  181. The Nix of the Mill-Pond  182. The Little Folks' Presents  183. The Giant and the Tailor  184. The Nail  185. The Poor Boy in the Grave  186. The True Sweethearts  187. The Hare and the Hedgehog  188. The Spindle, The Shuttle, and the Needle  189. The Peasant and the Devil  190. The Crumbs on the Table  191. The Sea-Hare  192. The Master-Thief    193. The Drummer  194. The Ear of Corn  195. The Grave-Mound  196. Old Rinkrank  197. The Crystal Ball  198. Maid Maleen  199. The Boots of Buffalo-Leather  200. The Golden KeyTHE CHILDREN'S LEGENDS  Legend 1. St Joseph in the Forest  Legend 2. The Twelve Apostles  Legend 3. The Rose  Legend 4. Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven  Legend 5. God's Food  Legend 6. The Three Green Twigs  Legend 7. Our Lady's Little Glass  Legend 8. The Aged Mother  Legend 9. The Heavenly Wedding  Legend 10. The Hazel-Branch


插图:In old times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters wereall beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen somuch, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King's castle lay agreat dark forest, and under an old lime-tree in the forest was a well, and when the daywas very warm, the King's child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of thecool fountain, and when she was dull she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high andcaught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything.Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess's golden ball did not fall intothe little hand which she was holding up for it, but on to the ground beyond, and rolledstraight into the water. The King's daughter followed it with her eyes, but it vanished, andthe well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen. On this she began to cry,and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted. And as she thus lamented someone said to her, "What ails you, King's daughter? You weep so that even a stone wouldshow pity." She looked round to the side from whence the voice came, and saw a frogstretching forth its thick, ugly head from the water. "Ah! old water-splasher, is it you?"said she; "I am weeping for my golden ball, which has fallen into the well.""Be quiet, and do not weep," answered the frog, "I can help you, but what will you giveme if I bring your plaything up again?" "Whatever you will have, dear frog," said she -"My clothes, my pearls and jewels, and even the golden crown which I am wearing."The frog answered, "I do not care for your clothes, your pearls and jewels, or yourgolden crown, but if you will love me and let me be your companion and play-fellow, andsit by you at your little table, and eat off your little golden plate, and drink out of yourlittle cup, and sleep in your little bed - if you will promise me this I will go down below,and bring you your golden ball up again."






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用户评论 (总计100条)


  •   一直很喜欢格林童话和安徒生童话,看过很多遍,用英文版来学习英语,又感兴趣,又不至于很难懂。很好。
  •   喜欢格林童话同安徒生,买英文版做为收藏,希望以后可以用英文看完它。
  •   必备,有空就要查字典,读给宝宝听。不过,现在才发现,现在的格林童话,和我们小时候的不一样。现在为了赚钱,把什么故事都放进去了,有些故事听起来都很古怪。
  •   很好的书,适合基础级英语学习者读,如今读童话,不一样的感触啊。
  •   读童话故事的时候同时学习了英语,very good!
  •   经典儿童读本
  •   只开始看了中文版的,英文版的还没开始,看着不错!
  •   小时候看过中文版,现在看看英文版,回味一下,顺便学些单词。纸质比较差,但是印刷还不错。
  •   内容经典,印刷也很好,给孩子学英文,再好不过。
  •   经典,收藏,书质量还好
  •   文字很好,印刷很好
  •   和《动物庄园》一起买的,可能因为这个书太大了吧,是硬封面的,可惜的是四个角都被折成软的了。。。。。小小心痛,,,希望以后的包装会更好,以防这种情况的发生。虽不影响阅读,但有小小遗憾。总的来说还是满意的。支持当当!!
  •   物流很满意。由于书不是本人看,不便做评论。
  •   纸张可以很厚实,不清楚正版的是啥样子的,不过很好的纸张了
  •   就当是学习英语了,比较不错的呀
  •   这本书可以算是超级超值了,非常值得买,内容包装价格都是非常赞的,给好评。
  •   这本边角有点皱了 不过书的内容好像还行的
  •   书很漂亮。里面也很漂亮。就是纸太薄了
  •   真的挺好的,真的还可以!
  •   质量真不错呀
  •   看不大懂,英语还需努力= =
  •   纸张及印刷质量还好,字体大小也合适
  •   很好很好,物流超给力!上午买下的,下午就到手啦!哈哈哈~
  •   纸质一般,排版密了点,故事不错
  •   很棒哦~~迫不及待地想去看!!
  •   希望通过读原著提高英语水平。
  •   书的质量挺好的,字的大小正合适
  •   很不错的一本书,没看完,不过还是很有意思的
  •   拿到手,很喜欢
  •   很好的质量,推荐
  •   不论是装帧还是内容,都很不错哟~
  •   书非常不错~
  •   同学买的哦
  •   超有感觉...对英语阅读也很有用
  •   质量不错,价格也便宜!写论文用来看啦!喜欢当当网上买书籍!
  •   全英,地道。
  •   送货很快,包装精美,还没看,应该不错
  •   硬壳的,感觉质量还行,我前几天买了三本,今天又帮同学买,便宜嘛,在外面买要30多耶。
  •   I ***E THIS BOOK
  •   送人很有意义
  •   刚收到 需要进一步验证呵呵
  •   书手感很好
  •   学英语的好帮手!书印刷质量精美,不错!
  •   包装精致,很喜欢,建议英语专业的童鞋们一定要读
  •   挺喜欢的书,纸张还不错,自己买来看的,用来回忆童年……呵呵,英文不是很难,虽然有一些生词,但不影响理解,适合初二以上,有一定英语基础的同学来看。总得来说还是挺喜欢的,支持一下!
  •   这书质感挺好
  •   书还是不错的,就是硬皮的太重了,其实我觉得这种书没必要整的跟现代汉语大辞典一样
  •   不错的书,挺齐全的
  •   蛮好的,让我想起了童年的自己
  •   很不错~排版我很喜欢~
  •   谁说不好了!很赞的内页个人觉得纸张非常好!
  •   质感非常好。
  •   质量不错,很精致,价格也不错,内容还没看,应该也会很好吧。推荐!!!
  •   书不错的。英文也简单。看看原版挺好的
  •   很大的一本,也很厚,质量很好,手感很好,书很精致
  •   速度挺快,书也很好!就是不太适合小学生阅读,偏难些,只好屯着了
  •   本来是想买双语彩色插图的结果买了这本以为有很多插图,书的质量还是不错的外壳是硬壳的纸张的质量也很好本来是打算念给小宝宝听的这个书有点不适合彩色插页没有呵呵是黑白的适合初中高中学生看吧
  •   没有透明的塑胶包装,纸质一般,是那种黄黄的,一摸很干巴巴的纸
  •   还没读呢 挺厚的本书 不过纸张的质地不太喜欢 不过马上要读了好激动啊
  •   书不错,就是现在念给我家宝宝听还有点太早了
  •   很有趣,很实惠,但好像个别单词拼写有问题呢
  •   由于字体过小,排版过密,看了一篇,眼睛就不舒服。
  •   书本质量不错,但未阅读
  •   发货的速度挺快的,书的质量也还可以,就是可能是运输过程中的问题,书的封面有一点破损,这个有一点不好呀。
  •   还没看,不过印刷不错,字挺大,是硬壳封面
  •   不错的一本书,推荐下~~~
  •   质量和想象中差不多,书的内容扫了一眼,感觉还不错
  •   晕死,定重复了
  •   纯英文 看的时候有些费劲 挺锻炼的
  •   回来查看发现,内容和封面是烦的,但是没有关系,我不介意
  •   刚拿到还没看,但里面没有注解,这个有点遗憾。
  •   硬皮书。包装、印刷都很满意,很精美!全英文,慢慢读起来很有感觉~
  •   封皮很漂亮,内容也很好,只是书切割的不好,容易掉渣
  •   同学喜欢英文的小书,这本也是替她买的,貌似觉得还不错的样子~
  •   就当练习英语了
  •   还没开始看呢,不过书给人的感觉挺好
  •   包装不错,挺有质感,内容也还行
  •   给小孩读,也可自己回味童年.
  •   这本书我很喜欢,硬封面,朴素。喜欢英语的朋友可以好好品味一下。
  •   因为看了不少评论,比来比去还是选了这本,总体感觉不错,毕竟是自己想看,价格也便宜,如果给孩子看可以买带彩图的.
  •   纸张不爽很好,有点偏黄,存在比较多的单词拼写或印刷错误,不过总体上来说还过得去,也算对得起这个价格了,毕竟不能和国外的原版书去比
  •   除了精美插画 呵呵
  •   书很不错,不过个人喜欢口袋书的尺寸,如果要有口袋书的大小,就太完美了!
  •   质量很不错~作为英文读物也很适合~
  •   买来给宝宝做胎教的,只看了前几个
  •   不错,挺喜欢的。买来收藏
  •   哈哈,正在计划时间慢慢看
  •   内容没问题,就是封面压坏了点
  •   包装很好,纸质一般
  •   一直想找个与原文对应的,还是有差别
  •   我以为是英汉的 结果没想到是全英的 看不懂啊 = =
  •   啊~~~居然缺页~~~还缺30多页~~~好过分~~~
  •   书的装帧还行,就是好像发现了几个错误的单词,有些···就像吃一碗粥发现了几个苍蝇
  •   哎,没怎么注意书的尺寸,结果买来有点傻眼。。。。我是买书来看的,不打算搞什么收藏。书往厚了弄不要往大了整嘛--------!内容是自己选的肯定是喜欢的
  •   今天终于拿到书了,感觉不值,纸张不太好,切割地也不平整,一碰,还掉那种小小的纸渣,让人特别不爽,印刷倒挺清晰的。 现在看了一下,价格怎么比我买的时候还贵了啊,呵呵,越卖越贵啊!
  •   还可以,童话而已,只用永葆童真的人才能去真正享受它,不要在乎显示的真假,这个社会有童话,有故事才美好。
  •   书蛮好的,值得买下来
  •   有的看不懂,但慢慢来会好的
  •   到手超满意!
  •   全英文,精美

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