
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国国际广播出版社  作者:玛格丽特·米切尔  页数:全两册  




作者:(美国)玛格丽特•米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)




版权页:   The next year,their first child was born and they named her Katie Scarlett,after Gerald's mother.Gerald was disappointed,for he had wanted a son,but he nevertheless was pleased enough over his small black-haired daughter to serve rum to every slave at Tara and to get roaringly,happily drunk himself. If Ellen had ever regretted her sudden decision to marry him,no one ever knew it,certainly not Gerald,who almost burst with pride whenever he looked at her.She had put Savannah and its memories behind her when she left that gently mannered city by the sea,and,from the moment of her arrival in the County,north Georgia was her home. When she departed from her father's house forever,she had left a home whose lines were as beautiful and flowing as a woman's body,as a ship in full sail; a pale pink stucco house built in the French colonial style,set high from the ground in a dainty manner,approached by swirling stairs,banistered with wrought iron as delicate as lace; a dim,rich house,gracious but aloof. She had left not only that graceful dwelling but also the entire civilization that was behind the building of it,and she found herself in a world that was as strange and different as if she had crossed a continent. Here in north Georgia was a rugged section held by a hardy peopk.High upon the plateau at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains,she saw rolling red hills wherever she looked,with huge outcroppings of the underlying granite and gaunt pines towering sombcrly everywhere.





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  •   书不错,但给我发的好像是墊桌脚的
  •   不错,不错,没话说
  •   好看就不用说了,小小本的很轻便,利于我学英语。
  •   原来是小书,看图片很大似的,不过还是很喜欢
  •   纸质还是不错的,靠谱靠谱~
  •   印刷真心好!
  •   看的多,自然懂得多!
  •   书好小,比想象要小很多

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