
出版时间:2011-11  出版社:世界图书出版公司  作者:刘炜  页数:344  字数:385000  






Part Ⅰ Setting the Scene: Key Concepts & Their Relations-Why
Teacher-initiated Text-based Questions & Questioning in EFL
Classrooms ?
Chapter 1 Texts as Representations of Language in Use
1.1 Language in use: text or discourse?
1.1.1 Different terms, the same denotation
1.1.2 Different denotations & connotations
1.2 Types & features of texts
1.2.1 Types of text/discourse
1.2.2 Features of text/discourse
Chapter 2 A Text-based Approach to Language Teaching
2.1 A perspective of general ehducation
2.1.1 Language-mediated interactive instruction
2.1.2 Textbook-based teaching & learning
2.1.3 Text-based teaching & learning
2.2 A perspective oflanguage pedagogy
2.2.1 Texts as basic units of language teaching
2.2.2 Arguments for text-based language teaching
2.2.3 Some aspects of text-based language teaching
2.2.4 Interpretative nature of text-based language teaching
Chapter 3 Questions & Questioning as Pedagogical Tools in
Language Classrooms
3.1 Focusing on teacher-initiated questions & questioning
3.1.1 Significance of teacher questions & questioning in
3.1.2 Teacher-initiated questions & questions in language
3.2 An overview of research into teacher questions &
3.2.1 Studies in general education
3.2.2 Studies in language pedagogy
Chapter 4 Text-based Questions & Questioning as Learning Tasks
in Language Teaching
4.1 An overview of learning tasks in language teaching
4.1.1 The concept of task in general pedagogy
4.1.2 Understanding tasks in language pedagogy
4.2 Tasks as pedagogical tools for text-based teaching
4.2.1 The background & rationale
4.2.2 Transition from text/task to.task/text
4.3 Questions as learning tasks for text-based teaching
4.3.1 The role of questions in text-based learning
4.3.2 Effects of questions on text-based learning
Part Ⅱ A Theoretical Exploration: Basic Guidelines for
Teacher-initiated Text-based Questions & Questioning in EFL
Chapter 5 Definition of Teacher-initiated Questions &
5.1 Definition.of teacher-initiated qestions
5.1.1 Definitions of questions
5.1.2 Definitions of teacher questions
5.2 Definition of teacher-initiated questioning
5.2.1 Definitions of questioning
5.2.2 Definitions of teacher questioning
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Function of Teacher-initiated Questions &
6.1 Functions perceived by teachers
6.2 Functions proposed by experts
6.2.1 Promoting learner-centredness & learner talk
6.2.2 Promoting learner development in cognition & affe
6.3 Summary
Chapter 7 Typology of Teacher-initiated Questions
7.1 Criterion Ⅰ: grammatical forms
7.2 Criterion Ⅱ: communicative value
7.2.1 Procedural & echoic questions
7.2.2 Display & referential questions
Part Ⅲ An Empirical Investigation:Case Studies of the Practice of
Teacher-initiated Text-based Questions & Questioning
Part Ⅳ Concluding Remarks:Looking beyond the Practice-PRofessional
Competence,Teaching Methodology & Teacher Development


  The issue of "what is the basic unit of language?" depends largely uponviews on language.Along with the research into actual language use by nativespeakers and the development oflinguistics, particularly corpus-based linguis-tics and functional linguistics, it is found that collocation is a popular phe-nomenon that words co-occur with high frequency for the use of language andthe division between vocabulary and grammar is blurring, and therefore theconcept of lexico-grammar has been proposed by linguists.It is believed thatlanguage in use is formed not just by discrete, separated and isolated wordsbut mainly by multi-word units such as compound words, idioms, metaphorsand fixed expressions (McCarthy,1990: 1)Current research in computation-al studies of texts and language acquisition converges in a way that reveals thelexical phrase as an ideal unit which can be exploited for language teaching.Routinized formulaics and other sorts of prefabricated language chunks play apart in both acquiring and performing language. Lexical phrase or prefabrica-ted language is a lexico-grammar unit (Nattinger & DeCarrico,1992:1)andthe application for language teaching is a lexical phrase approach to teachingspoken and written discourse, such as conversations, listening and readingtexts, and various writings.  ……


  《英语课堂语篇教学中的教师启动问答教学法研究:理论与实践》系国内首部英文撰写的英语课堂基于语篇教学的教师问答教学法研究专著,具有如下特色:  理论与实践紧密结合:提供了系统、全面的教师问答教学法理论框架,展示了基于实证调查的详实数据呈现与深入分析讨论。  融汇国内外相关研究:基于英语教学的跨学科属性,融语言学、教育学、语言教育学三位一体,将教学法与教师发展有机结合。



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