
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:中国石化出版社  作者:圣才学习网 编  页数:262  


  目前我国博士研究生入学英语考试没有采取全国统考的方式,没有统一的考试大纲,而是采取各招生院校自行命题、自行组织考试的办法,但是各校的考试要求、命题特点大同小异,一些学校的试题类型、内容难易程度都非常相似,因此,研究一些学校的考博英语试题非常有价值。我们参照一些名校博士生入学英语考试大纲,认真研究了30多所高校100多份历年考博英语真题,精心挑选部分试题和相关资料,编著了考博英语辅导系列。  本书是专门为参加武汉大学考博英语考试的考生提高英语水平而编著的复习资料。它在认真研究了武汉大学历年考博英语试题的基础上总结了武汉大学考博英语的出题规律,并对武汉大学历年考博英语试题进行详细的分析和整理。本书具有如下特点:  1.总结大纲,把握规律。本书通过分析该校历年博士研究生入学英语试题,并结合其他同类高校大纲和教育部颁发的《硕士、博士研究生英语教学大纲》,总结出武汉大学的考博英语大纲,便于考生熟悉武汉大学考博英语的命题特点和出题规律。  2.分析特点,指引技巧。对于真题的每一种题型,复习指南部分从题量、选材、难易程度等全方位分析了试题特点,并给出有针对性的解题技巧和应试策略,使考生在复习备考时能够事半功倍。  3.解答详尽,突破疑难。对于武汉大学历年真题均给出参考答案及解析,方便读者在复习时更好地把握武汉大学考博英语的难点、重点及答题思路。  4.专项练习,全真模拟。在参考了大量考博和其他考试(包括GRE、GMAT、专8等)试题以及相关英语资料的基础上,按照武汉大学考博英语最新题型及难易程度,精心设计出专项练习题和全真模拟题,具有很强的针对性。  需要特别说明的是:各高校考博英语真题的收集和参考答案,得到武大、北大、清华、人大、复旦、中科院等校师生的协助,并参考了众多考博复习材料(特别是一些名校内部考博英语讲义、试题等),在此深表感谢。由于水平有限,错误不可避免,不妥之处和建议可与编者联系,不甚感激。


  《武汉大学考博英语真题解析与专项练习(第2版)》是专门为参加武汉大学考博英语考试的考生提高英语水平而编著的复习资料。它在认真研究了武汉大学历年考博英语试题的基础上总结了武汉大学考博英语的出题规律,并对武汉大学历年考博英语试题进行详细的分析和整理。《武汉大学考博英语真题解析与专项练习(第2版)》根据试题的题型设置章节,并精选了有相当难度的专项练习以突破英语知识难点。  圣才学习网/中华英语学习网(www.100yingyu.com)提供英语类考试名师网络班及面授班(随书配有圣才学习卡,网络班及面授班的详细介绍参见《武汉大学考博英语真题解析与专项练习(第2版)》最后内页)。《武汉大学考博英语真题解析与专项练习(第2版)》和配套网络班及面授班特别适用于参加武汉大学博士研究生入学考试的考生,以及参加其他院校博士入学英语、博士学位英语等其他考试的考生使用。


第1章 武汉大学考博英语指导1.1 大纲要求1.2 试题分析第2章 阅读理解2.1 阅读理解复习指南2.2 历年阅读理解真题解析2.3 阅读理解专项练习第3章 英译汉3.1 英译汉复习指南3.2 历年英译汉真题解析3.3 英译汉专项练习第4章 汉译英4.1 汉译英复习指南4.2 历年汉译英真题解析4.3 汉译英专项练习第5章 写作5.1 写作复习指南5.2 历年写作真题解析5.3 写作专项练习第6章 武汉大学考博英语全真模拟试题全真模拟试题一参考答案及解析全真模拟试题二参考答案及解析全真模拟试题三参考答案及解析


  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the following passage:  The geology of the Earth s surface is dominated by the particular properties of water. Present, on earth in solid, liquid, and gaseous states, water are exceptionally reactive. It dissolves, transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly modifying the face of the Earth.  Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported by wind over the continents. Condensation from the clouds provides the essential agent of continental erosion: rain. Precipitated onto the ground, the water trickles down to form brooks, streams, and rivers, constituting what is called the hydrographic network. This immense polarized network channels the water toward a single receptacle: an ocean. Gravity dominates this entire step in the cycle because water tends to minimize its potential energy by running from high altitudes toward the reference point that is sea level.  The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs. If we define residence time as the average time for a water molecule to pass through one of the three reservoirs——atmospheres, continent, and ocean——we see that the times are very different. A water molecule stays, on average, eleven days in the atmosphere, one hundred years on a continent and forty thousand years in the ocean. This last figure shows the importance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere but also the rapidity of water transport on the continents.  A vast chemical separation process takes during the flow of water over the continents. Soluble ions such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and some magnesium are dissolved and transported. Insoluble ions such as aluminum, iron, and silicon stay where they are and form the thin, fertile skin of soil on which vegetation can grow. Sometimes soils are destroyed and transported mechanically during flooding. The erosion of the continents thus results from two closely linked and inter-dependent processes, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Their respective interactions and efficiency depend on different factors.


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