
出版时间:2011-1  出版社:外语教研  作者:(澳)纽南  页数:222  


David Nunan所著的《任务型语言教学》是1989年英国剑桥大学出版社出版的《交际课堂的任务设计》的全新版,是一部总结了过去20年来任务型语言教学的理论和实践成果的最新学术专著。该书强调教师发展和培训的范式应是“自下而上”而不是“自上而下”的。语言课程和大纲的设计应该融入学习者的知识视域和生活经历。把学习者和教师的知识视域和经历带人课程的有效途径是任务。任务既是方法、内容,也是课程。这是作者的一个很重要的教师发展观和课程观。 新版本在原来的基础上增加了“任务型语言教学中任务和课程的其他要素之间的关系”,“任务型语言教学的实证研究基础”,“任务型语言教学中的形式教学”,以及“任务型语言教学中的评价”四个章节,使这本书无论从理论上还是实践上都更趋完善。作者从一个语言教育实践者和教育理论研究者的角度,用通俗易懂的语言,由浅入深地细数任务型语言教学的发展历程,与读者探讨任务型语言教学实践中的关键问题,以及分析课程和教师发展之间的关系等。


导读AcknowledgementsIntroductionCHAPTER ONEWhat is task-based language teaching?Introduction and overviewDefining 'task'Broader curricular considerationCommunicative language teachingAlternative approaches to syllabus designExperiential learningPolicy and practiceLearner rolesConclusionReferencesCHAPTER TWOA framework for task-based language teachingIntroduction and overviewA task frameworkSyllabus design considerationsDeveloping units of workSeven principles for task-based language teachingConclusionReferencesCHAPTER THREETask componentsIntroduction and overviewGoalsInputProceduresTask typesTeacher and learner rolesSettingsConclusionReferencesCHAPTER FOURAn empirical basis for task-based languageteachingIntroduction and overviewEarly psycholinguistic modelsInteraction, output and the negotiation of meaningTask difficultyConclusionReferencesCHAPTER FIVEFocus on form in task-based language teachingIntroduction and overviewTheoretical and empirical issuesFocused versus unfocused tasksConsciousness-raising tasksProcedural languageThe place of a focus on form in an instructional sequenceFocus on form in the communicative classroomConclusionReferencesCHAPTER SIXGrading, sequencing and integrating tasksIntroduction and overviewGrading inputLearner factorsProcedural factorsTask continuityWithin-task sequencing: the information gapTopic-based/theme-based instructionContent-based instructionProject-based instructionConclusionReferencesCHAPTER SEVENAssessing task-based language teachingIntroduction and overviewKey concepts in assessmentThe purposes of assessmentSelf-assessmentTechniques for collecting assessment dataCriteria for assessing learner performanceConclusionReferencesCHAPTER EIGHTTasks and teacher developmentIntroduction and overviewThe self-directed teacherAn in-service workshopEvaluating tasksCreating tasksConclusionPostscriptReferencesAppendix AApproaches and methods- an overviewAppendix BA unit of work based on the six-step procedure presented in Chapter 2Appendix CA unit of work based on the task/exercise typology in Chapter 5Appendix DGraded activities for the four macroskillsAppendix ECommon reference levels: self-assessment gridGlossaryAuthor indexSubject index


The purpose of the bookThis book began life as the second edition to Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. The original volume was written in the mid-1980s, and was published in 1989. At that time, task-based language teaching was beginning to arouse attention. Although it was more than a distant prospect, it was far from a mainstream concept. As with the original book, this volume is aimed at practising teachers in ELT and applied linguists (teacher trainers, language planners, and materials writers), as well as teachers in preparation.When I began working on this volume, I quickly realized how far the field had come. It was brought home to me that I was embarking on the creation not of a second edition but of a completely new book, and that in consequence it deserved a new title.Recently, I completed a study into the impact on policies and practices of the emergence of English as a global language (Nunan 2002, 2003). Data were collected from a range of countries in the Asia-Pacific region including Japan, Vietnam, China (Hong Kong and Taiwan included), South Korea and Malaysia. In interviews with teachers, teacher educators and ministry officials, and from a study of curriculum guidelines and syllabuses, 'task based language teaching' emerged as a central concept. At the same time, I was involved in preparing a publication proposal for China on behalf of a commercial publisher. I was given a reasonable degree of latitude in putting the proposal together, but was informed that in order to be considered by the Ministry of Education it had to contain 'task- based language teaching' as its ruling rubric.These two anecdotes illustrate the extent to which the concept has moved to the centre ground, rhetorically at least. However, it still has a long way to go to become rooted in classroom practice. In workshops and seminars in different parts of the world, I am constantly asked by teachers, 'What is task-based language teaching, and how do I make it work?' This book is an attempt to answer both parts of that question. As with Designing Tasks, the purpose of the book is to provide teachers with a practical introduction to task-based language teaching along with the theoretical and empirical bases that support it.……




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用户评论 (总计25条)


  •   本书是在1989年David Nunan所编著的 Desinging tasks for the ***municative classroom 的基础上写成的。比原版多添加了四个章节。 此书对任务型教学进行细致、深入的介绍。应该是研究这一领域必看书目。
  •   这本书事实上是NUNAN 2004年版的那本书,不过我们一直很难找到英文版的,想不到当当网上有卖。研究任务型教学的可以参考这本书,里面有理论也有实践,很不错。
  •   对英语教师的教学安排和组织很有启发。
  •   一直觉得自己太肤浅,所以买了有助于我理论修养提升的书,一来充实自己,二来能更好地指导我的教学。翻开看了几页,对我还是有点难度,因为是全英的,要慢慢地看,甚至看几遍。
  •   这本书还没有开始读,大概翻了一下,我觉得还不错,内容很好,写论文,对自己的教学应该都有帮助
  •   英语应用语言学研究者必备的原著文献。
  •   学术文章,都很不错。
  •   帮朋友买的,还不错!自己没看内容@@
  •   这本书对我写论文非常有帮助,还是全英的,也不难懂。
  •   有意义的书记好
  •   to be read yet
  •   不错,是原著
  •   good book good mood
  •   不喜欢西方人的论证方式,但目前还没发现更好的。
  •   经典教材 任务型教学法 必看
  •   还不错。适合外语教学人员作参考。
  •   书不错,专业性强,符合教育改革方向,值得借鉴。
  •   是我要找的书,就是比想象中薄了点,小了点
  •   前面的导读中文的好多啊 不过快递还可以
  •   :留学时用的教科书如英语背后渗透的文化味道简单明了先主后次条理清晰
  •   书不错,有研究价值。
  •   没得说 也算是TBLT的经典了吧
  •   需要花大量的时间去看,我还没看完
  •   理论讲解比较全面
  •   书还不错,内容比较详实~

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