
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛组委会秘书处 著  页数:142  字数:142000  






  35号选手  湖北大学 肖玢  A Word That Has Changed the World——Laziness  Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!  "Genius is l% inspiration and 99% perspiration." Edison said. "Efficiency comes from diligence." Han Yu said. Great minds do think alike. Diligence, indeed, is of great importance. However, in my eyes, laziness is the word that has changed the world. What is Iaziness? Laziness here doesn't mean no work at all, but no mechanical, laborious and inefficient work. It encourages us to find short-cuts in our mind so as to make the most of our time. Our time is limited. Our energy shouldn't be squandered. Low investment for high return, this is what really matters.  The decisive power of laziness can find proof in many great figures. Winston Churchill, being a sleepy head, has enjoyed a high reputation worldwide. Charles Darwin, as a goldbrick, has written the epoch-making Origin of Species. What has enabled them to change the world? Laziness. Laziness saved their time from dealing with trifles so that they could better cultivate their minds; Laziness kept their minds at a free state so that their innovation would not be restrained. Einstein claimed that "Laziness can lead to a fertile source of imagination, which is more important than knowledge." So, if I am wrong, I have sinned in good company.  Looking back to human history, the process of social advance is actually the process of being Iazier and lazier. Most of the greatest inventions turned up for the same reason: laziness. We were too lazy to wash our clothes, so washing machines were created; we were too lazy to calculate by ourselves, so computers were invented; we were too lazy to walk on foot, so various vehicles have appeared. Ladies and gentlemen, what has driven us forward in the course of development? Laziness.  As for today, laziness has been adopted for a wider range in a more detailed way. According to a recent report, 40% of new commodities have simply combined the functions of existing ones. What for? To meet the needs of lazybones to be lazier. Laziness makes it possible to enjoy movies and milk in bed; laziness allows us to clean the floor while walking in slippers; laziness enables us to have a massage in foot baths.  Ladies and gentlemen, what has brought us comfort and convenience? Laziness. The world has changed as a result of laziness, is still changing because of laziness, and will continue to change for more laziness. So, ladies and gentlemen, to be lazy or not, you choose it! Thank you!  Comment  The lady is very friendly, has much eye contact with audience and actually is communicating with audience.  Her speech is well-structured and easy for the audience to follow. The speaker has an effective introduction in which she starts with a very interesting attention-gettcr, reveals the topic "Iaziness" and defines whar laziness is which sounds pretty inspiring to them. And she moves on to point out her evidence to show the omnipresent presence and omnipotent power of laziness among people and products. Finally she concludes with a clever and memorable adaptation "to be lazy or not, you choose it."  In terms of content, she has done a good job in supporting her idea with abundant brief examples, quotations etc. Good speeches are never composed of generalizations. Just as Stephen E. Lucas in his book The. Art of Public Speaking writes, "Research has shown that vivid, concrete examples have strong impact on listener's beliefs and actions. Without examples, ideas often seem vague, impersonal and lifeless. With examples, ideas become specific, personal and lively." In her case. she piles several brief examples one upon the other to clarify the power oflaziness and impress the audience.  ……




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  •   收录了2011年的演讲作品,推荐参加演讲比赛的人看看。
  •   很满意~虽然内容只包括决赛的一二环节,不过光碟还含有三四环节呢~很清晰,满评~
  •   参考资料总是越多越好啊
  •   包装是硬质的封皮,字体很小,是不是很厚。内容还不错吧!
  •   商品很好,最喜欢光碟里的内容了。
  •   这是我买过的很实用的一本书,会好好学习的
  •   我看了很喜欢,当当网一直都很赞
  •   还行,给学生推荐的,学生反映要有中文翻译就更好
  •   这本书主要是2011外研社的大赛内容,定题演讲占了将近一半,光盘还没有用,一会看看能不能看。
  •   很早就想买一本关于英语演讲的书。收到书的时候赶忙把光碟放进电脑,可是读不出来,本来以为可惜了。可是回到家放进台式电脑的时候又能看到了,可能是光驱的问题吧。虽然这个没有告诉我们演讲的技巧,但是收录了很多优秀选手的演讲稿,从中能学到很多。通过视频,也能学习他们的台风。同时,书里还有很多选手们的感言,对我来说有很大的激励作用。
  •   我很喜欢这本书,但收到货后发现光盘放电脑里放不出来。经过尝试后我恍然大悟:可以先把光盘拷贝到U盘,再播放复件,一切问题都解决了。这个经验值得分享。
  •   书不错,印刷很好,内容丰富
  •   书本挺好的,就是碟片直接嵌入封面内侧的碟位,没有薄膜包装,刮花啦
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  •   光盘质量太一般,不抵呀。。。。
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