




UNIT 1 A working lifeIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 2 Talking booksIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 3 Passing fashio IntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 4 Money matte IntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 5 The gender gapIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 6 Make you elf at homeIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 7 A love of languageIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passagesUNIT 8 Enquiring mindsIntroductionActive readingFurther readingReading across culturesGuided writingUnit taskThought for the dayTra lation of the passages



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