
出版时间:2012-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:唐小平,王素芹 编  页数:74  


  《青苹果教辅·情景导学:英语(4年级下册)(3年级起点)》是我们于2009年开始策划、2010年开始出版的一套跨教材版本、跨不同学科的完全由教材原创出版社出版发行的高中教学辅导用书。几年时间过去了,《青苹果教辅·情景导学:英语(4年级下册)(3年级起点)》正经历着由单版本向多版本、由单学科向多学科发展的变化。  在新课程的词典里,“情景”和“导学”是鲜明体现课程改革理念的核心词汇。集合了这两大要点,“情景导学”的脚步必将随着课程改革的不断深入而踏遍神州大地的每一个角落。


Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 She's a nice teac er.Unit He's cool.Module 2 LondonUnit 1 London is the capital of EnglandUnit 2 This is the River Thames.Module 3 PicnicUnit 1 Will you take your kite?Unit 2 on Monday I'll go swimming.Module 4 RobotsUnit 1 Robots will do everything.Unit 2 Will it be windy in Beijing?Module 5 SizeUnit 1 Amy's taller than Lingling.Unit 2 Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.Module 6 MusicUnit 1 This girl is good.Unit 2 Lingling is better than Daming.Module 7 CountriesUnit 1 New York is in the east.Unit 2 Beijing is the capital of China.Module 8 ChangesUnit 1 I was two.Unit 2 They were young.Module 9 WeekendUnit 1 I helped Mum.Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?Module 10 AccidentsUnit 1 Sam fell off his bike.Unit 2 Sam had lots of chooolate biscuits综合测试卷Module 1-2综合测试卷Module 3-4综合测试卷Module 5-6综合测试卷Module 7-8综合测试卷Module 9-10综合测试卷期中综合测试卷期末综合测试卷正文参考答案综合测试卷参考答案



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