
出版时间:2004年07月  出版社:北京教育出版社  作者:范淑慧  页数:218  


阅读是一种重要的学习技能。大量的阅读可以有效促进英语听、说、读、写能力的全面发展,是学生学习英语的主要途径。大量的阅读对提高阅读速度、增加词汇量、扩大知识面也起着重要的作用。    在考试中阅读理解的文章内容广泛,题材各异,所以掌握好阅读技巧对提高阅读速度和对文章的理解能力都有着良好的促进作用。    1.快速阅读法:快速浏览全文,了解全文大意,抓住文章每段的主旨即中心句。以便加快阅读速度。    2.扫描阅读法:快速扫视整篇文章,根据题干的中心词在文章段落中寻找相词汇语句。然后再扩展至全文,大致了解文章内容。    3.精读法:掌握文章的情节、主要人物以及事件的起因、经过、结果,抓住文章每个信息与问题间的联系,提高分析与逻辑判断能力。    4. 重点突破阅读法:粗读文章后,在阅读过程中常有一些难懂的长句成为阅读的“拦路虎”,遇到这种情况,应该抓住关键词,把握句子之间的文法及逻辑关系,深刻理解长句的含义以及文章整体大意。


上篇 中考阅读试题精选 (一)理解阅读   Passage 1   Passage 2   Passage 3   Passage 4   Passage 5   Passage 6   Passage 7   Passage 8   Passage 9   Passage 10   Passage 11   Passage 12   Passage 13   Passage 14   Passage 15   Passage 16   Passage 17   Passage 18   Passage 19   Passage 20   Passage 21   Passage 22   Passage 23   Passage 24   Passage 25   Passage 26   Passage 27   Passage 28   Passage 29   Passage 30   Passage 31   Passage 32   Passage 33   Passage 34   Passage 35 (二)任务型阅读   Passage 1   Passage 2   Passage 3   Passage 4   Passage 5   Passage 6   Passage 7   Passage 8   Passage 9   Passage 10   Passage 11   Passage 12   Passage 13   Passage 14   Passage 15   Passage 16   Passage 17   Passage 18   Passage 19   Passage 20   Passage 21下篇 阅读理解提高训练   Passage 1   Passage 2   Passage 3   Passage 4   Passage 5   Passage 6   Passage 7   Passage 8   Passage 9   Passage 10   Passage 11   Passage 12   Passage 13key参考答案


  Jane Goodall first made friends with a chimp(黑猩猩)when she was one year old.0n herfirst birthday her mother carried her to the ZOO near her home and bought her a toy chimp.She lovedher furry(毛绒的)friend very much.At age 7,Jane Goodall read Dr Doolittle,a book about adoctor who could talk to animals.She wanted to be able to talk to her favorite animal,too.She ex-pected to go to Africa sonle day SO that she could learn more about chimps.When Jane grew up,she still dreamed of going to Africa.She got her wish when she was 26 years old.She went toGombe National Park where many chimps lived in the forests.  Jane watched the chimps closely day after day.She saw that they were a lot like people.Theycould think and make plans.They used tools.They showed their fear,pain,or pleasure.Some-times,they fought.Often,they hugged(拥抱)and kissed.  Scientists were surprised by what Jane saw.They knew that the relation between chimps andhumans was the closest.However,they did not know they acted SO much like US.  Jane still has the toy chimp she was given as a child.She has studied her furry friends for over30 years.Now,she speaks for them to groups around the world.She hopes that what she has tosay will make others do something to protect chimps from being hurt.


  兼容各版教材,全国通用。读北教书,走成功路。  2008年度全国优秀教育长销书、畅销书奖  2008年度华北优秀教育图书奖  题型新:紧扣新课标和考试大纲,选用中考最新阅读题型  选文巧:选文梯度划分,针对性强,快速提高阅读能力  拿分准:特级教师精心设计阅读问题及答案,有的放失抓牢阅读关键得分



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