
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:上海科普  作者:陈占勇  页数:130  字数:330000  


为了帮助广大初中师生把握我国目前基础教育的发展方向,领会新教学大纲有关初中英语教学的精神,我们特别邀请了一批在教学及中考阅卷第一线的、具有丰富教学经验的特、高级英语教师,编写了这套《奔腾英语·初中组合训练新设计·阅读理解与充形填空》系列读物。  本丛书以新课标为依据,紧扣教育部颁发的最新《考试说明》,又结合近年英语中考试题内容,力求新颖、全面、实用。我们相信本丛书既可供广大初中学生在平时学习及复习备考时使用,也可为广大英语教师提供很好的教学参考。  本系列读物具有如下特点:  一、设计科学,题型丰富  本丛书以新课标及最新考纲为依据,采取“完形填空+综合填空+阅读理解+任务型阅读”四合为一的编写体例,基本涵盖了初中阶段的阅读类相关题型,有利于全方位检测学生的英语阅读能力和水平。另外,本丛书内容按单元设计,既可用于教师课堂定时检测,也可用于学生同步自测。  二、选材新颖。题材广泛  本丛书阅读材料多选取国内外最新的重点、热点话题和事件,选材新颖,题材丰富多样。主要涉及科普知识、文化教育、社会生活、时文报道、史地环境、外国风情、逸闻趣事、人物传记、寓言故事以及各种应用文体,紧扣社会生活的各个方面,使学生不仅能够通过阅读与练习提高英语水平,而且还有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣,扩大知识面,拓展视野。  三、难易程度,自由掌控  为了方便学生阅读过程中查找生词,本书对文中可能影响对全文理解的关键词汇以及一些重点词汇,特别在注释中加以标注。建议学生根据自己的英语水平,自由把握,尽量不看或少看注释。而做完题目后,作为巩固词汇之用,学生可对注释中的词汇加以重点关注,以便加深印象,扩大词汇量。此外,对于文中出现的一些并不需要学生掌握的人名、地名、专有名词以及生僻词汇,则直接在文中予以标注。  四、全解全析,点拨到位  本丛书不仅给出了习题的标准答案,而且对解题思路、解题过程进行了精要分析,同时还指出了考查范围。如师在侧般的透彻详解,定能帮你扫清学习中的所有障碍。


UNIT 1  完形填空  Passage 1 歌坛红星周杰伦(人物故事 记叙文)  阅读理解  Passage 2 乞力马扎罗山的“雪帽”(气候变温 记叙文)  Passage 3 不久的将来“长生不老”不再是幻想(生命探索 说明文)  Passage 4 基因工程和网络对将来“生活”的影响(科学技术 说明文)  Passage 5 如何使用家庭安全系统保护孩子(家庭安 全说明文)  阅读新题型  Passage 6 如何使假期无忧无虑?(热点话题 夹叙夹议文)UNIT 2  完形填空  Passage 1  生动的一课(人物故事 记叙文)  阅读理解  Passage 2 美国高中生Ellem Koranda(美国中学教育 说明文)  Passage 3 青少年应加强营养(身体健康 议论文)  Passage 4 用高科技追踪孩子(家庭教育 记叙文)  Passage 5 “远离电视”周(儿童健康 记叙文)  阅读新题型  Passage 6 诵读困难(科普知识 说明文)UNIT 3  完形填空  Passage 1  学会承担责任(人生哲理 议论文)  阅读理解  Passage 2 2025年的一天(科学幻想 记叙文)  Passage 3 办公室的兄妹团聚(亲人团聚 记叙文)  Passage 4 人生是一段充满困苦和快乐的旅程(日常生活 夹叙夹议)  Passage 5 请睡觉前尽量避免使用手机(身心健康 说明文)  阅读新题型  Passage 6 寻求真理(社会生活 记叙文)UNIT 4  完形填空  Passage 1  如何对待犯错误的孩子(教育话题 议论文)  阅读理解  Passage 2 简单一些会获得更高的效率(简单生活 议论文)  Passage 3 微生物电池(新型能源 说明文)  Passage 4 白日梦与睡眠中的梦(生理学 说明文)  Passage 5 家长是否应该体罚孩子(儿童教育 议论文)  阅读新题型  Passage 6 老年人问题的解决办法(社会生活 议论文)UNIT 5UNIT 6UNIT 7UNIT 8UNIT 9UNIT 10UNIT 11UNIT 12UNIT 13UNIT 14UNIT 15UNIT 16UNIT 17UNIT 18UNIT 19答案与详解


  But he believes the battery could be used in scientificequipment at the bottom of the ocean. Other ideas includeusing sugar in the blood to run medical devices in the hu-man body, and taking sugar from animal waste to provideenergy to power homes in rural areas.  1. The scene described in the first paragraph is used to show____.  A. humans can use sugar on our mobile phones  B. people can t contact anyone without mobile phones  C. people might use sugar on a mobile phone when neces-sary in future  D. sugar is widely used on mobile phones  2. The "bacteria battery" invented by Swedish Chaudhuriand Derek Lovley________.  A. uses nothing to produce power  B. proves useless  C. gets power by chemical reaction  D. is thought little of in scientific fields  3. The writer________.  A. thinks highly of the bacteria battery  B. has been using the bacteria battery for a long time  C. has been engaged in the study of bacteria battery as well  D. doubts whether the bacteria battery can become as small as a household battery  4. The underlined sentence suggests______.  A. the study of the bacteria battery needs 20 or 30 years to catch up with that of solar power  B. the studies of the bacteria battery and solar power are both young  C. 20 or 30 years ago the study of solar power was young, just like that of the bacteria batteries now  D. the study of bacteria battery needs  a long time to be equal to the level of solar power about 20 or 30 years agomaking a speecn anu reatlzeo smlueruy tllilt yttul wa a million miles away? You probably felt sorry and made upyour mind to pay attention and never have daydreaming a-gain. Most of us from earliest school days, have been toldthat daydreaming is a waste of time.  "On the contrary," says L. Giambra, an expert inpsychology," daydreaming is quite necessary. Without it,the mind couldn t get done all the thinking it has to do dur-ing a normal day... You can t possibly do all your thinkingwith a conscious mind. Instead, your unconscious mind isworking out problems all the time. Daydreaming then maybe one way that the unconscious and conscious states ofmind have silent dialogues. "  Early experts in psychology paid no attention to the im-portance ofdaydreams or even considered them harmful. Atone time daydreaming was thought to be a cause of somemental illnesses. They did not have a better understandingof daydreams until the late 1980s. Eric Klinger,a professorof psychology, is the writer of the book Daydreaming.Klinger says, We know now that daydreaming is one of themain ways that we organize our lives, learn from our experi-ences, and plan for our futures... Daydreams really are awindow on the things we fear and the things we long for inlife. "  Daydreams are usually very simple and direct, quiteunlike sleep dreams which may be hard to understand. It seasier to gain a deep understanding of your life by payingclose attention to your daydreams than by trying to examineyour sleep dreams carefully. Daydreams help you recognizethe difficult situations in your life and find out a possibleway of handling them.  Daydreams cannotbe predicted ,they move off in unex pected directions which may be creative and full of useful i-deas. For many famous artists and scientists, daydreams were and are a main source of creative energy~.  So the next time you catch yourself daydreaming, don t stop. Just pay attention to your dream. It may be more im- portant than you think. 1. Daydreaming used to be considered_____.  A. very simple and direct  B. unimportant or even harmful  C. a necessary part of thinking  D. the result of an unconscious mind  2. In what way are daydreams mainly different from sleep dreams ?  A. Daydreams are easier for us to understand.  B. Daydreams are not so easy for us to control and direct.  C. Daydreams help us to handle more difficult situations.  D. Daydreams help to develop an unconscious mind.



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用户评论 (总计23条)


  •   当当送货一如既往第二日到包装很好希望这本书帮我提高英语成绩~
  •   这个系列的专项练习书挺好用的,从我用了4年了,对于那一项的练习有了很大的提高
  •   难度适中 题材好
  •   非常好的一本书,对于检验很有帮助,向大家推荐哦
  •   不错很好 太难了点
  •   是自己买了做的,老师也说还不错
  •   不错的书,入门必看
  •   难度适中 对提高阅读很 有帮助
  •   题型较新颖,内容较充实,不错的一本书。
  •   对奔腾的书一直都挺喜欢的~!
  •   内容很充实,不错!其中的讲解也非常全面。
  •   当当上买的挺好的,和书店一样,又便宜不少
  •   还可以,练习的都是差不多的东西,里面的题有点难度。
  •   其实不管哪种教辅书,只要认真做了都会有用的,希望能对她有效果
  •   天天坚持练就行了
  •   纸质看起来很差
  •   感觉还不错,但是感觉我另外一本5.3的阅读书更好用。。
  •   送货到时,书就因为太大而被折坏,程度不是很深。觉得里面的字写得太大,让人觉得内容很少,也没有说明这篇文章的难易程度。
  •   就书而言还可以,但当当的服务就太不行啦。东西寄丢了,不管,还要客人三催四请才处理。就买几本书,就浪费了我快一个月时间,而且这些书还是妹妹要急用的啊。说退回来的款项,5个工作日都过去了,还没退回,这态度,真是令人佩服
  •   质量很好,因为我选的一般质量很好。但是两本书都本弄破了,服务太差了,竟然送坏书给我,太不像话了
  •   纸质不好,题太简单而且没新意
  •   纸的质量不是很好,印刷不是很好
  •   是2009年出版的。比较老

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