
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:孙淑强,等 编  页数:210  




The Loch Ness MonsterWhat Age?A SARS Hero"Where's the Beef?"What Happened to the Cabbages?Why Are They So Hospitable?A True Mystery StoryRobinson CrusoeA Lost RingHelp!Sir Walter RaleighThe Cobbler and the BankerThe Happiest ManIt's a Small WorldTornadoesFour Beautiful Things about HawaiiA Shot in the DarkAn Unusual NoticeAnts Are Smarter Than We ThinkChristmasWhat Time Is It?How Tea Came to AsiaWrong NumberA Clumsy World for LeftyA Letter to a FriendThe Day the Volcano Blew UpAdvice for a Bright New YearHe Made Us a TeamTreasure from FlaviusThe Unreality of TVThe DreamerThe Finest TreasureA Time for CourageA Valuable HourClocks Through TimePity for a StrangerDoes It Mean Giving Up Our Heritage?Summer Is Festival Time in BritainBe More Careful When Using WaterStick Together or We'll Be All AloneMiss Evans, of Boston, AmericaLet's Be Grateful for Small ThingsHunting CelebritiesAdvantageous or Disadvantageous?Do Those Things Make You Happy?Should We Make Friends with Our Worst Nightmare?Too Many ChoicesDutyKey to the ExercisesVocabulary



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