
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:郑树棠 编  页数:172  




Unit 1
 Passage A: Polar Differences Between Chinese and American
 Passage B: Do American and British People Speak the Same
 Passage C: Student Lifestyles
Unit 2
 Passage A: Is Education Still an Important Part of Youth
 Passage B: A Perfect Skate
 Passage C: The Olympic Spirit
Unit 3
 Passage A: 100/0
 Passage B: To Win at Marriage, Learn to Lose
 Passage C: The Little Words That Work Marriage Magic
Unit 4
 Passage A: Dumped!
 Passage B: Authenticity and Relationship
 Passage C: One Thousand Dollars
Unit 5
 Passage A: Good Parenting Is Not an Easy Job
 Passage B: Building a Work Ethic in Your Grandchildren
 Passage C:What Do Parents Owe Their Children?
Unit 6
 Passage A: The Ugly Truth About Beauty
 Passage B: Pride and Prejudice:
Why Bias Will Always Be in Your Workplace
 Passage C: Teaching Young Children to Resist Bias:
What Parents Can Do
Unit 7
 Passage A: Managing Your Stress
 Passage B: The Experts' Guide to Fighting Stress
 Passage C: How to Transcend a Stressful Lifestyle
Unit 8
 Passage A: The Rules: Eight Guidelines for Designing Goals
 Passage B: Race for Love
 Passage C: A Lesson in Cloud Recognition
Unit 9
 Passage A: A Tribute to Courage
 Passage B: Never Give Up
 Passage C: The Wake
Unit 10
 Passage A: A Gentle Soldier
 Passage B: Ghost Soldiers Remembers World War II
 Passage C: My Life as a Japanese Prisoner-of-War





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