
出版时间:2008-11  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:Margaret Walters  页数:304  译者:朱钢,麻晓蓉  


谁是最早的女权主义者?女权主义思潮到底真正改变了多少女性的生活?这种思潮在当今不同的文化背景下有何差异?    在这本简史中,玛格丽特·沃特斯着眼女权主义的发展历程,追根溯源,探究妇女选举权、20世纪60年代的妇女解放运动以及女权主义思想在今天是否依然有其价值等重大问题。她从欧洲讲到美国,再讲到第三世界,通过分析全球妇女的现状,向我们展示了女权主义研究的最新成果。




图目  绪论第一章  女权主义的宗教根源  第二章  世俗女权主义的开端第三章  18世纪:执笔的亚马孙女战士第四章  19世纪早期:变革中的女性第五章  19世纪后期:运动中的女性第六章  为投票权而战:妇女选举权运动者第七章  为投票权而战:妇女选举权女斗士第八章  20世纪早期的女权主义第九章  女权主义第二浪潮:20世纪后期第十章  世界各国的女权主义者后记




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用户评论 (总计19条)


  •   系统地阐述了女权主义的发展史,列举了大量作家和作品,很有参考价值。
  •   为了写论文专门买了一本女权主义的书。其实刚刚开始对女权主义这个概念并不是很了解,但是看了这本书后脑海里也有了想法,还为本次论文提供了不少新的论点。中英文的结合更加完美。小而大智慧。唯一不足之处就是字体真的很小很小,看起来有点吃力~~~~
  •   这本书比较清晰地梳理了女权运动的历史,还是比较有参考价值的。
  •   小小的一本,携带方便,中英对照,翻译得不错,按时间顺序讲了女性主义的发展,对我写论文很有帮助。
  •   这是我见过的关于女性主义的不错的一本书。
  •   以前的“斑斓阅读”系列和现在的“牛津通识”系列,我已经收集了好多本,阅读它们真是一种享受。
  •   斑斓系列读起来很方便,
  •   很小一本书,内容全面不枯燥,重要的点大概都提到了,随手翻着很方便~~双语的,用来学外语也不错~~
  •   如果中英文在整体一页上对照就更好了。对照翻看起来比较困难。
  •   质量很好,还有个小书签,发货很快,中英文对照,还可以学英文
  •   速度很很快。解决大问题了
  •   前半部分是英文,后半部分翻译。挺好的,写论文的参考书。书小,方便携带。
  •   简单看了一下写的不错的
  •   小巧的书,质量很好
  •   这个嘛,我就不发表什么意见了,买回来以后我都没有看的
  •   就科普类的读物而言,牛津的东西一般不会让人失望,扩展知识必备。概括性读物。
  •   送朋友的,她觉得很不错。
  •     Had there not been a school activity that I took part in two months ago, I will never be clearly aware of it and argue about it: it’s time to do micro-, not talk macro-. The activity I took part in two months ago was titled “call for rights of women”, and I was a member of the organizer. Intriguingly, while I was crying out to draw passers-by’s attention and let them write down their names on our banner, which was titled “making efforts to defend women’s rights”, there was a growing anxiety inside my heart: do we really know about what woman’s rights are? Disconcertingly, I began spending time devouring some works relevant to “feminist, feminism”. The period of knowing the history of feminism and its detailed content varied from different times was , to some degree, enlightening me——‘fighting for women’s rights’ is not merely a hollow sentence, a slogan, a line of words you put it into your essay and show how much you know about a woman. The unbiased methon to widely carry forward ‘women’s rights are badly needed’or ‘say goodbye to male people’s dominance over female’or something like that is based on substantial knowledge and social practices. There is also a conclusion can be reached: let’s talk less about something ‘macro’, and do more about something ‘micro’.
      To talk something big ,especially for us college students, is sheerly a waste of time and energy. Everybody can talk something big and hollow. When you are sitting in a bus, there will always be an old man nearby talking endlessly about ‘how Japanese break their promise’,’how Shinzo Abe enrages Chinese’. At the same time, the neighbours react no more than siding with the old man, thoughtlessly nodding at him and indignantly burst into dirty words:fuck Japanese! So can anybody proudly say that they have really learned something from this talks, or are we students willing to inherit the spirit of ‘talking like the old man’? The answer is absolutely ‘no’. One and the same, ‘call for women’s rights’, as to our students falling short of social experience and academeic investigation, can hardly make sense. ‘rights of a woman’is such a macro topic that it is hard for us to bear, even thought that day was by luck Mother’s Day. So , why don’t we start from the details, earnest and down-to-earth when doing anything?
      We are about to set our foot into society. It is widely accepted that one cannot survive the severe competition in society if he or she talks more, does less. Similarly, a know-all is doomed to be swept out unless he practices from everything micro, steps by steps, rather than giving orations in front of people like‘our macro world can be divided into two parts, one is material world and another is spiritual world, and... the rest of it is bullshit, you know that.
  •     对女权主义的萌芽、兴起、各种流派,当时的时代背景都有全面的介绍,此书虽小,内容却很丰富,当时是新东方的雅思写作老师介绍了这本书给我,让我学习其中原汁原味的写作手法,虽然最后在雅思的分数上并没有起到什么作用,但是对于对这段历史很感兴趣的我来说,是一本好书

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