
出版时间:2012-2  出版社:约翰•埃斯科特(John Escott)、 于少蔚 外语教学与研究出版社 (2012-02出版)  作者:约翰·埃斯科特  译者:于少蔚  




作者:(英国)约翰•埃斯科特(John Escott) 译者:于少蔚  约翰•埃斯科特(John Escott),为各年龄段的读者写过多本读物,尤其擅长创作侦探和悬疑类故事。他出生于英格兰西部,现在南海岸居住。在写作之余,他喜欢逛二手书店,观看好莱坞经典电影,或者在空旷的海滩上散步。他创作了《谜图》、《漂亮女孩》等故事,并改写了《威廉•退尔》及《白牙》。


《威廉•退尔》目录: William Tell 威廉•退尔 Tom Blood 汤姆•布拉德 Lord Bao and the Stone 包大人和石头 King Matthias and the Good Shepherd 马蒂亚斯国王和诚实的牧羊人 Johnny Appleseed 约翰尼•阿普尔西德 Lady Godiva 戈黛娃夫人 Project 拓展训练 Grammar Check 语法充电 …… 《环游地球80天》 《伦敦大火》 《暴风雨》 《花木兰》 《辛巴达历险记》 《谜图》 《特里斯坦和伊索尔德》 《睡谷的传说》


版权页:   插图:      Correct words to complete the text. a)That/Those man is the thief,' says Lord Bao, looking at the man in black. 'He took the boy's money.' The people are amazed. 'How do you know?' they ask. 'Give me b) this/that bag,' he says to his servant. The servant brings him the bag. Lord Bao opens the servant's bag and takes out one of the coins. He holds up the coin in his hand and says, 'look at c) this/that coin. It has got oil on it.' Then Lord Bao puts his hand on the boy's head, d) 'That/This boy is an oil seller,' he says, 'so he always has oil on his hands. And e) that/those man over there put the coin in the bag.' The people are angry now, and the man in black is afraid. 'Give the coins back to f) this/these boy,' Lord Bao tells the man in black. The man takes the coins out of his coat and gives them back to the boy. Then Lord Bao takes more coins out of the bag. 'And give g) those/these coins back to all the people here,' he tells his servant. After everybody leaves, Lord Bao turns to the boy. 'For h) those/these people I am a mad man,' he says. 'But truly I’m clever. And you must be clever, too, because i) that/this town has many thieves in it. Tonight, when you put your head on j) that/those rock over there, put your coins under it.' Then he smiles and gives the boy two new, gold coins. 'And put k) this/these coins under the rock, too.' The boy is very happy. He thanks Lord Bao and runs home. 使令类动词+and+从句 我们可以用使令类动词+and+从句来表达动作及其结果。 Shoot the apple and you can live 射中苹果.你就能活命。 Do that,and half of Hungary is yours. 你要能做到,我就把匈牙利分一半给你。






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