
出版时间:2008-10  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:哈特  页数:156  


《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(Business Benchmark)是一套由剑桥资深英语教学专家编著的全新商务英语教程,有初、中、高三个级别,每个级别都包含学生用书(附听力光盘及自学手册)和教师用书备一册,互为补充。本教程围绕当前职场中常见的主题设置学习单元,兼顾商务英语知识的拓展与听、说、读、写能力的提高,通过有针对性的指导和反复练习帮助学生迅速提高商务环境中的英语实际运用能力。本教程各级别包含一套BEC考题及大量与BEC/BULATS难度相当的模拟练习,帮助学生熟悉考试的形式及要求,是备考BEC/BULATS考试的理想复习资料。本教程既可用于商务英语课堂教学,也适合那些即将踏入职场或已工作的学习者使用。


AcknowledgementsIntroductionManagement Unit 1: Corporate culture Unit 2: Leaders and managers Unit 3: Internal communications Unit 4: Chairing meetingsCompetitive advantage Unit 5: Customer relationships Unit 6: Competitive advantage Unit 7: A proposal Unit 8: Presenting at meetingsAdvertising and sales Unit 9: Advertising and customers Unit 10: Advertising and the Internet Unit 11: Sales reports Unit 12: The sales pitchFinance Unit 13: Forecasts and results Unit 14: Financing the arts Unit 15: Late payers Unit 16: Negotiating a leaseThe work environment Unit 17: Workolace atmosphere Unit 18: The workforce of the future Unit 19: Productivity Unit 20: Staff negotiationsCorporate relationships Unit 21: Corporate ethics Unit 22: Expanding abroad Unit 23: An overseas partnership Unit 24: A planning conferenceExam skills and Exam practiceAppendix: The Common European Framework


  Getting started  As a further extension, you cau get students to brainstorm other typical characteristics of corporate culture.  You could also discuss the relationship between national cultures and corporate cultures if you think your students have the background to do this.  Talking point: Aspects of corporate culture  Pre-service students who have no close acquaintance with a company can be asked to talk about the culture of a college or school where they have studied.  Listening: Aspects of corporate culture  All audio material in this book is intended to be listenedto twice.  If students are new to this type of listening activity,allow them to check their answers by looking at the transcript for Track 2 to see how the activity works.  If yon wish to make the activity more challenging,Exercise l can be done after, rather than before,Exercise 2.  Reading: Creating a corporate culture  As a warmer before Ihe reading passage, ask students to do Exercises l and 2.




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用户评论 (总计11条)


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  •   必备参考教辅。答案。
  •   剑桥标准商务英语教程高级教师用书。
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