
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:西北工业大学出版社  作者:石冬莲  页数:40  字数:61000  


质量控制及可靠性是一门以管理学、生产运营管理为理论基础,以数理统计学方法、运筹学方法、计算机信息处理等为手段的课程。本课程主要讲授质量管理基本理论和方法,帮助学生树立正确的质量意识,掌握建立质量体系的基本步骤,培养学生运用质量分析、控制方法解决企业实际问题的能力。为了让学生系统掌握质量管理的基本理论以及质量控制与改进的基本分析,我们特编写了本书。    本书是以秦现生主编的《质量管理学》(科学出版社)教材为基础编写的作业集,共6章,每章由重点与难点、习题两个模块组成,书后附有两套模拟考试题及参考答案,便于学生同步练习及自测。    本书由黄柯鑫编写,由西北工业大学网络教育学院组稿。由于编者水平有限,书中难免有不妥甚至错误之处,恳请读者批评指正。


第1章 绪论第2章 质量管理的基本概念和方法第3章 质量管理体系第4章 统计质量控制理论和方法第5章 质量功能展开第6章 产品生命周期质量分析与控制技术模拟考试题(一)模拟考试题(二)习题与模拟考试题参考答案


版权页:   1. Translate the following words and expressions. 1) From English into China: economic globlization shareholder board of directors parent company inputs 2) From Chinese into English: 2. Match the words and expressions on the left with the explanations on the right. 1) frequency a. to exercise(authority or influence,etc. )effectively 2) adverse b. of producing,or marked by controversy 3) controversial c. the fact of being frequent or happening often 4) home country d. contrary to one's interests or welfare; harmful or unfavorable 5) instrumental e. to praise enthusiastically and often publicly;applaud 6) acclaim f. to come in or between so as to hinder or alter an action 7) intervene g. the country where the parent company of an MNE locates 8) predominance h. the state or quality of being predominant; preponderance 9) wield i. the act or process of surviving 10) survival j. serving as a means or all agency;implemental 3. Make brief explanations of the following terms in English. 1) multi-domestic corporation 2) global corporation 3) transnational corporation 4) world company 5) economic globalization 4. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word(Some wordsare given thefirst letter or letters). A multinational corporation refers 1) a corporation that has its facilities andother 2)a in at least one country other than its 3)h country. Suchcompanies have offices and/or factories in different countries and usually have 4)chead where they coordinate 5)g management. Very large multinationals havehudgets that exceed those of many small countries.





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