
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:华东师范大学出版社  作者:华东师范大学出版社 编  页数:全3册  字数:1079000  


由中考评价专家严格筛选;精选2008年全国中考试题;展示中考命题的最新变化及趋势;跟踪各学科知识前沿的最新信息;供研究策略突破难点;占领中考制高点。  由中考评价专家严格筛选;精选2009年全国中考试题;展示中考命题的最新变化及趋势;跟踪各学科知识前沿的最新信息;供研究策略突破难点;占领中考制高点。  由中考评价专家严格筛选;精选2010年全国中考试题;展示中考命题的最新变化及趋势;跟踪各学科知识前沿的最新信息;供研究策略突破难点;占领中考制高点。


08全国中考试题集锦·英语 试题  北京市  天津市  上海市  重庆市  吉林省  河北省  河南省  山西省  陕西省  山东省  安徽省  江西省  哈尔滨市  长春市  武汉市  黄冈市  南京市  南通市  苏州市  杭州市  宁波市  长沙市  成都市  福州市 参考答案  北京市  天津市  上海市  重庆市  吉林省  河北省  河南省  山西省  陕西省  山东省  安徽省  江西省  哈尔滨市  长春市  武汉市  黄冈市  南京市  南通市  苏州市  杭州市  宁波市  长沙市  成都市  福州市09全国中考试题集锦·英语10全国中考试题集锦·英语


插图:When we ask students what they would like to be, they often talk about usual jobs, things like doctors  or teachers. But if you think about it, many people don't plan to do their jobs. They just start doing them   by accident. We have talked to two people with unusual jobs.Emily is a dentist but she doesn't work with people. She works with horses. After university, she took   care of animals' medical health for several years, but she noticed that there were few people who could help  with horses' teeth. She decided to go back to college and study again, Then she had to buy special tools, but  she's never out of work. She's always very busy taking care of horses' teeth. "I couldn't be a dentist for   people now," Emily said, "because I really enjoy working with horses. "As soon as David could read, he read books about robots. But the robots he builds today don't look like  the strange robot people in his books. He builds robots for industry. Early on he made up his mind to study  science, maths and computers so that he could break into the world of robot engineering. "Some of the  maths is very difficult," says David, "but you must study maths to be an engineer." Fortunately, he got top  marks in all his maths exams.





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  •   云集历年多个地区的真题,很好。注意版本

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