
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:华东师范大学出版社  作者:复旦附中高三备课组 编  页数:240  字数:343000  




练习一 名词
练习二 代词
练习三 数词
练习四 形容词和副词
练习五 冠词
练习六 连词
练习七 助动词和情态动词
练习八 动词的时态和语态
练习九 虚拟语气
练习十 主谓一致
练习十一 反意疑问句
练习十二 定语从句
练习十三 状语从句
练习十四 名词性从句
练习十五 动词非谓语
练习十六 倒装句


版权页:   练习七 助动词和情态动词 Ⅰ.Multiple choice: ( )1.African-Americans______get unfair treatment in many fields of the society. A.are to B.do C.ought to D.could ( )2.Your project______be completed;you______only waste your time andmoney.Try to be practical. A.needn't...would B.couldn't...shall C.can't...may D.won't...should ( )3.For some students,going to college______be their first time living away fromhome,and they will find out how much fun they______have in college. A.may...can B.should...will C.would..ought to D.can...might ( )4.The bill______be defeated,but at the eleventh hour(最后时刻)enough voteswere found to pass it. A.needed to B.ought to C.was about to D.did ( )5."Because of your age,you______in person,a phone call would have beenenough,"the nurse said to me. A.might not have come B.shouldn't have come C.can't have come D.needn't have come ( )6.Most of them have the idea that one______face one's responsibilities andhardships when he or she decides to marry. A.iS about to B.has to C.might D.would ( )7.--______let such a small matter divide us?We have been friends for years!--To be honest,______. A.Would you rather...I wouldn't rather B.Would rather you…I'd rather not C.Would you rather…I'd rather not D.Would you rather…I'd not rather ( )8.A computer______think for itself,so it______be told what to do. A.couldn't...should B.needn't...has to C.wasn't able to...must D.can't...must ( )9.With only a little more care you______the mistake that caused great loss. A.may have been avoiding B.ought to have avoided C.can have avoided D.could have avoided ( )10.To keep fit and lose weight,you______all the following activities five timeseach week. A.may have done B.might be doing C.should be doing D.should have done.





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  •   与全程高考 英语(一轮复习) 辅导分册(上海考生适用) 相配
  •   内容与全程高考的辅导分册配合紧密,题目设计合理,值得一买~~
  •   语法第一轮复习时用的,实体店看过后买的,满意。
  •   高考适用~
  •   应该有帮助,语法训练为主
  •   这本书超级适合题海训练,纯练习的,后面附有一定的讲解
  •   不错哟-。-我们学校原本目标要在高二做完这本
  •   很好的书,拿来辅导学生的
  •   非常适合高三用的,极力推荐!
  •   配套做,挺好的
  •   给儿子买地,终于买到了。不错
  •   东西不错 很多整理的知识点
  •   题目不多但很精,有一定难度!
  •   还可以~ 目前没发现什么问题
  •   好~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  •   嗯= =
  •   跟上面的理由一样,跟堂妹买的,自己也不知道,但是反应,题目太多。我原本希望是在分章节和内容复习的时候能够配合练习题。
  •   感觉这套书难度一般,可是关于每一个专项的训练倒是十分丰富。和尹福昌编辑的高考复习教程相比,本套丛书更适合高二学生,因为在老师的指导下,学生可以更完善的学习。做了该练习的学生,从高一从未及格,才补习4次,就在高二期中考试考得69分,满分100分。证明本套书还是有效的。在此再买3本,给其他学生使用。

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