
出版时间:2009-2  出版社:刘富华、王巍、 周芮安 北京语言大学出版社 (2009-02出版)  


《汉语乐园3(英文版)》主要内容:Chinese Paradise is a series of Chinese textbooks for children recommendedby the Office of Chinese Language Council International.It has three Ievels,each of which consists of:two volumes of Student's Book(accompanied by a CD):two volumes of Workbook(accompanied by a CD):a volume of Cards of Words and Expressions;a volume of TeacherIs Book;four interactive CD—ROMs(two for each volume).Chinese Paradise helps students Iearn interactive sentence patterns.newwords and Chinese characters.In addition,information about Chinese culturewith iIlustrations annotated in the native language of students is provided.Furthermore,hands—on activities,songs,stories and different games aresupplied also.Each IeveI consists of 6 units with 12 Iessons.and each Iesson teaches one ortwo Chinese characters,about ten new words and a basic sentence pattern.After completing the learning of the three levels.students will be able toachieve the mastery of 50 Chinese characters and 300 new words,speak simplesentences,recite some Chinese nursery rhymes and poems,and sing someChinese children'S songs.They wilI also get to know some Chinese culture.


UNIT 1 SEASONS&WEATHERLesson 1春天来了Lesson 2今天天气怎么样UNIT 2 SPORTS&HOBBIESLesson 3你会游泳吗Lesson 4我喜欢唱歌儿UNIT 3 SHOPPINGLesson 5 我要买巧克力Lesson 6 多少钱New WordUNIT 4 DAILY LIFELesson 7 我今天有汉语课Lesson 8 我在上网UNIT 5 TRAFFIC&TRAVELLesson 9 书店怎么走Lesson 10 我们坐飞机去旅行UNIT 6 BIRTHDAY&FESTIVALSNew Words







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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   CD-ROM根本是骗人的。说有木马病毒。关掉杀毒软件,还是无法打开。非常失望!

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