
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:首都师大  作者:方振宇 编  页数:265  


  很喜欢一句话:脚踏实地,仰望星空。也很喜欢美国盲人“天才歌手”史蒂夫·汪德在《阳光地带》中唱到的美丽而伤感的歌词:Like a long lonely stream,I keep running towards adream.当英语四级或多或少赋予在校大学生“国考”的意义时,我们在路上多了一个目标:一次过四级!  我在一个个美丽的校园遇到一个个青春飞扬的大学生,我羡慕他们张扬的青春与光荣的梦想。我在多场演讲中与他们分享的一个词是“在路上”,但这并非因为杰克·凯鲁亚克,不是因为他的《在路上》,我也不是Beat Generation。在路上是我们的生存状态,是一种宿命,难以选择,难以逃避。这如同大家并不一定很喜欢却又难以抗拒的四级考试。  在路上,是在命运的门槛等待。每个人都在等待,有的人等到了,有的人等错了,有的人等空了,还有的人一生都在等待。这如同塞缪尔·贝克特《等待戈多》散发的人生思考与哲学魅力。面对明天的四级考试,脚踏实地、精心准备的等待是有必要的,尽管那个在考试中叫PASS的戈多不知是来还是不来?  忙碌前行的生活,无论是蛰伏在校园还是游走在社会,不要左顾右盼,只需勇往直前。我们不知道自己明天会怎样,我们也不去想明天会去往哪里,只需充实地活在当下就好。每天起床,想想自己还能看到光灿灿的朝阳,还能闻到麦苗拔节的声音,告诉自己这就是生命的感动。因为,我们一直很感慨于阿甘妈妈对小阿甘说的那句话:“Life is 1ike a bOX of choolates,you will never kkrlOW wlaat yOU’re g13nna,get.”面对英语四级又何尝不是这样?心态很重要,我们平和地面对这场对你也许还很重要的考试吧。






Model Test One答案速查表与答案解析Model Test Two答案速查表与答案解析Model Test Three答案速查表与答案解析Model Test Four答案速查表与答案解析Model Test Five答案速查表与答案解析2009年6月大学英语四级考试试题答案速查表与答案解析2009年12月大学英语四级考试试题答案速查表与答案解析2009年6月大学英语四级考试试题答案速查表与答案解析


  Shortly after I had fallen asleep, my phone rang. I have my own phone line, and I am usedto people calling late at night. I assumed it was probably my then —— boyfriend calling to checkup on me, but when I got to the phone, I did not recognize the name or the phone number On thecaller ID. Still hazy from sleeping, I answered, but it took me a minute to discern the voice on theother line. It was my friend Nick, who is a few years older than me. It was not unusual for himto call when he was bored in the middle of the night, for he was rather irresponsible. But he toldme he was scared, and he was in danger because "the Chicago people" had found him. I did notunderstand at first. Then I remembered that he used to live in Chicago and had been somewhatinvolved in a gang there. I heard people in the background, and I knew by the way he was talkingthat he was intoxicated. He said he was at a party in the subdivision where he lived. The gang hadgone to his house looking for him, but then saw his car parked at the party, so they stopped there.Nick was hiding in the house, and I could sense the fear in his voice. My stomach tightened, and Iwas so afraid for him. Then all of a sudden he said he had to go and hung up the phone.  It was like his fear traveled through the phone line and took me over. I wanted it to be adream. I tried to call him back, but I continuously got the annoying busy signal. I just sat on mybed in the dark, holding the phone, hoping he would call back.  He finally called back over an hour later, and by that time I was sick with fear. He saidthe guys ended up going through the party looking for him, so he crawled out of the bathroomwindow and took off running back to his house. He said it wasnt safe to stay there, and hewanted me to meet him somewhere. I was worried about him driving, but he didnt want meto pick him up in case the guys were to follow. He told me to meet him at Wendys as soon aspossible and to call the police if he didnt show up.


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