
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:北京大学医学出版社有限公司  作者:霍尔  页数:1091  字数:2825000  




作者:(美国)霍尔(John E.Hall)


Introduction to Physiology: The Cell and General
Membrane Physiology, Nerve, and Muscle
The Heart
The Circulation
The Body fluids and kidneys
Aviton,space,and deep-sea diving physiology
The Nervous System: A. General Principles and Sensory
The Nervous System: B. The Special Senses
The Nervous System: C. Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology
Gastrointestinal Physiology
Metabolism and Temperature Regulation
Endocrinology and Reproduction
Sports physiology


版权页:   插图:   Treatment of Decompensation. The decompen-sation process can often be stopped by (1) strengthen-ing the heart in any one of several ways, especially byadministration of a cardiotonic drug, such as digitalis,so that the heart becomes strong enough to pump ade-quate quantities of blood required to make the kidneysfunction normally again, or (2) administering diureticdrugs to increase kidney excretion while at the same timereducing water and salt intake, which brings about a bal-ance between fluid intake and output despite low cardiacoutput. Both methods stop the decompensation process by re-establishing normal fluid balance so that at least as muchfluid leaves the body as enters it. Mechanism of Action of the Cardiotonic DrugsSuch as Digitalis. Cardiotonic drugs, such as digitalis,when administered to a person with a healthy heart,have little effect on increasing the contractile strengthof the cardiac muscle. However, when administered to aperson with a chronically failing heart, the same drugscan sometimes increase the strength of the failing myo-cardium as much as 50 to 100 percent. Therefore, theyare one of the mainstays of therapy in chronic heartfailure. Digitalis and other cardiotonic glycosides arebelieved to strengthen heart contractions by increasingthe quantity of calcium ions in muscle fibers. This effectis likely due to inhibition of sodium-potassium ATPasein cardiac cell membranes. Inhibition of the sodium-potassium pump increases intracellular sodium concen-tration and slows the sodium-calcium exchange pump,which extrudes calcium from the cell in exchange forsodium. Because the sodium-calcium exchange pumprelies on a high sodium gradient across the cell mem-brane, accumulation of sodium inside the cell reducesits activity. In the failing heart muscle, the sarcoplasmic reticu-lum fails to accumulate normal quantities of calciumand, therefore, cannot release enough calcium ions intothe free-fluid compartment of the muscle fibers to causefull contraction of the muscle. The effect of digitalis todepress the sodium-calcium exchange pump and raisecalcium ion concentration in cardiac muscle provides theextra calcium needed to increase the muscle contractileforce. Therefore, it is usually beneficial to depress the cal-cium pumping mechanism a moderate amount using dig-italis, allowing the muscle fiber intracellular calcium levelto rise slightly.






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  •   找了很久的书,经典生理学教材,原版太贵,这个影印版倒也不错。
  •   全球一千多页,全都是英文的,跟我原来想的有中文对照有点差距,但是读起来不是很费劲。个人感觉外国这些英语医学教材写的确实好,我一看七版人卫的书就犯困,但这些书却使人思考,里边的用词精炼而到位!现在读了三百多页,循环的刚看完,收获很大,应该多看几遍。建议大家买一本,一辈子受用!
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  •   非常地道的英语表达方式,和第11版有部分改动。我觉着比我们的任何几年制教材都好。有着非常细节的东西。
  •   排版与十一版有很大不同
  •   非常好的一本教科书,价格也算公道。
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  •   好书,值得拥有的一本专业书!
  •   全英文的,对专业英语很有帮助
  •   读完,英语应该非常不错了,谢谢
  •   很好。内容详实,用词简单,b第七版的生理学教材好很多。如果有时间的话可以多对比看一下。
  •   非常好,比教材好很多!
  •   很好的一本书,虽然不是彩版的
  •   书纸张偏厚,不是铜版纸。
  •   书内容很好!但是后面从896页直接就跳到了929页,缺了20多页!我是去年买的书,今天才发现有这个问题,当当客服说过了15天的退换期,书这种特殊商品,我觉得应该特殊处理,更何况一本这么厚的英文书!谁会在15天之内就发现它少了几页呢?!希望当当能够妥善处理此事,不要辜负我长期以来的支持和信任!
  •   I hv read throughout the book. it's useful to all the medical science students and practicioners who want to extent their knowledge.but there's little error at the unitVI of the contents part that wasn't printed. Thx
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  •   看起来有些困难,因为没尝试过,但坚持读下来是很不错的一本书。
  •   几乎和原版相差不多,但内容的版面更适宜阅读了~~里面的英文并不难,相反,读起来觉得比中文教材简洁明了许多!描述的也很有系统逻辑性~在不理解中文在讲啥的时候可以来参考参考~
  •   全黑白无彩图,普通纸质。影印内容自然是好的
  •   买回来才知道,全英文,一千多页,我该如何啃下去呢
  •   这本书用于提高英语(医学专业)水平还是可以的。
  •   这本书非常值得推荐,作为基础医学工作者
  •   the best book and usefull
  •   刚刚收到的书,是全英文的。纸张还是不错的,是正版。内容比国内的教材详实。
  •   比英文原版便宜许多,实用,不错的参考书。
  •   很好,一点点慢慢看着……

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