
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:新世界出版社  作者:王洋 , 桔子 著 王洋  页数:98  译者:石巍  




Introduction1.Professor Gao and Master Ge2.New Values in Life3.Singing Edifies Both Singer and Audience4.Self-cultivation and Social Work5.Singing and Harmonious Society


  Ge was once a very talented mechan-ic in a factory, but the accident changedhis entire life. It was extremely hard forhim to know that he would spend therest of his life in a wheelchair though hismedical expenses were covered by insur-ance. He was only 45 and the financialincome of the family mainly depended onhim. He felt more pressure on him andbecame depressed and bad-tempered. Theatmosphere at home grew more and moretense.  Ges wife quit her job to look afterher disabled husband. She was very muchworried and felt helpless in comfortingher depressed and irascible husband, untilone day when she wheeled her husbandinto the Temple of Heatven near theirhome.



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