
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:马戎  页数:519  字数:476000  


  《民族学论文集(英文版)》为民族学论文集,为全英文版,包括三部分:Nation-Building and Ethnicity;Tibet, Past and Present ;Social Changes in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia。本书的出版,对民族学研究有重要价值,适合民族学研究者学习参考。


ROnq Ma,Ph.D.(1987)in sociologY.Brown Universitv (USA),is Professor of Sociology, Peking University.He has Publi Shed SOme artiCles in
English and several books in ChineSe.HiS workS include Population and Society of力bet (Beijin9:Tongxin Press,1


Part I Nation-Building and Ethnicity    1.Nation—Building and Ethnicity  2.Nation—Building of China’S Pluralist Unity and the Future Perspectives  3.Ethnic Relations in Contemporary China——Cultural Tradition and Ethnic Policies since l 949  4.A New Perspective in Guiding Ethnic Relations in the 2 1 st Century:De—politicization’of Ethnicity in China  5.Education of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China  6.Bilingual Education for China’S Ethnic MinoritiesPart II Tibet.Past and Present  7.Economic Patterns of the Tibet Autonomous Region:The Past and Present  8.Marriages and Spouse Selection in Tibet  9.Population Structure and Changes in the Tibet AutonomousRegion—An Analysis of the Recent Census Data  10.Han and Tibetan Residential Patterns in Lhasa  11.Temporary Migrants in Lhasa in 2005part III Social Changes in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia  12.Economic Development,Labor Transference,and MinorityEducation in the West ofChina  13.Population Distribution and Relations between Ethnic Groups in the Kashgar Prefecture,Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region  14.Changes of Nomadic PaUems and Steppe Grassland Ecosystem in Inner Mongolia  15.Changes in Local Administration and Their Impact on Community Life in the Grasslands of Inner Mongolia  16.Migrant and Ethnic Integration in the Process of Soci0—economic Change in Inner Mongolia:A Village Study  17.“Species”or“Cultural Groups”:A Comment on E J. Gill—White’S ArticleReferencesIndex




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