
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:河南大学  作者:张淑静著  页数:266  字数:268000  


  本研究旨在:通过调查二语学习者的心理词汇表征并比较二语心理词汇和母语心理词汇之间的差异,来发现二语学习者词汇知识结构是否合理及二语词汇习得过程中存在的问题;通过调查二语词汇的历时变化来找出二语心理词汇的发展规律。    这是由一篇博士论文改编而成的学术专著,全书以英文的形式呈现。全书围绕三个问题展开讨论,这三个问题是:二语心理词汇是语义的还是语音的?二语心理词汇中的词汇联系与母语心理词汇中的词汇联系是否有着系统的差异?随着词汇知识的不断增加,二语心理词汇是否会逐步由语音向语义发展?




Chapter 1 Introduction:Shift in Attitude Toward theL,exicon Chapter 2 Literature Review:Studies of the Mental L,exicon   2.1 IntrOduction   2.2 Studies ofthe L,Menta,Lexicon   2.3 Studies of the Bilingual Menl al Lexicon   2.4 Studies ofthe L2 MentaJl Lexicon Chapter 3 Experimental Design   3.1 Goals,Research Questions and Hypotheses   3.2 Experiment 1   3.3 Experimem 2   3.4 Experiment 3 Chapter 4 Experiment 1:Results and Discussions  4.1 Introduction   4.2 The Overall Response Patterns of the Native Speakers andthe L2 Learners  4.3 Response Patterns of the L2 Learners and the Native Speakers for Words That Elicited a Score of 5  4.4 Response Patterns of the L2 Learners for Words That Elicited a Score of 4  4.5 Response Patterns of the L2 Learners and the Native Speakers for Words That Elicited a Score of 3   4.6 Response Patterns of the L2 Learners and the Native Speakers for Words That Elicited a Score of 2 and 1  4.7 Comparison with the Results of Different Studies   4.8 Problems in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition   4.9 Conclusion Chapter 5 Experiment 2:Results and Discussions  5.1 Introduction   5.2 The Overall Results of Comparison Between the NS and the L2 Learners   5.3 Comparison ofthe NS and L2 Responses to Individua、Words   5.4 Analysis of the Differences in the ResDOnses ofthe NS and the L2 Learners   5.5 Comparison ofResponses ofthe L2 Leamers  5.6 Summary   s.7 Different Aspects ofWord Meaning   5.8 Reorganization of the L2 Mental Lexicon  5.9 Differences Between the L1 and L2 Mental LexicOn  5.10 ConclllRion Chapter 6 Experiment 3:Results and Discussions  6.1 Introduction   6.2 The Overall Pattern of Change in Response Types  6.3 The Overall Pattern of Change in the Status of the Prompt Words   6.4 Comparison with the Results of Experiment 1   6.5 L2 Lexical Fossilization   6.6 Summary   6.7 An Analysis ofIndividual Words   6.8 An Analysis oflndividual Subjects   6.9 Further Discussions   6.10 Conclusion Chapter 7 Conclusion   7.1 Introduction   7.2 Summary of Findings of the Present Study   7.3 Theoretical Significance   7.4 Pedagogical Implications   7.5 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Studies Appendices References 后记



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