
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:东华大学  作者:刘筱琳 编  


  目前,对于各高职院校使用的服装专业英语教材,学生普遍反映英语的语言难度太大,且知识点不实用,在实际工作中不大用得上。教材建设是课程建设非常重要的一项内容,目的是促使学生主动学习,同时在教学过程中注重实际工作中语言应用能力的培养。因此,编写具有针对性的符合高职高专学生特点的项目化的专业英语教材已经是一种迫切的需要。  本书是根据各位作者的多年教学经验,紧密联系高职高专学生的英语实际水平以及将来的职业需要而编写的。本书由杭州职业技术学院刘筱琳老师任主编,南通纺织职业技术学院李熠老师任副主编。本书为全英文撰写,共由八个模块组成。其中,模块一“服装结构认识”由南京特殊教育职业技术学院的帅敏老师编写,模块二“服装面料辅料”由常州纺织服装职业技术学院的王佳老师编写,模块三“服装机械”由太湖学院的董雪峰老师编写,模块四“服装设计”和模块八“时尚发展趋势”由杭州职业技术学院的刘筱琳老师编写,模块五由山东科技职业学院的刘桠楠老师编写,模块六“服装生产管理”由南通纺织职业技术学院的李熠老师编写,模块七“服装质量控制与检验报告”由浙江纺织服装职业技术学院的于春阳老师编写。最后由刘筱琳老师统稿、修改并负责定稿。


本书用英文介绍了对服装的认识、面料辅料、服装机械、服装设计、服装测量与制版、服装生产管理、服装检验、时尚发展趋势这几块内容。本书采用项目化方式编写,知识点直接与企业实际运用挂钩,内容讲究实用性和趣味性,有很多的任务,促使读者主动学习,注重实际工作中语言应用能力的培养。    本书英语语言难度不大,可作为高职类院校服装专业的专业英语教材,也可以作为服装外贸工作者一本不可多得的参考读物。


Module One Garment Recognition  Task One Do You Know about Garment?    1.1 What’s the Definition of Garment?    1.2 The Functions of Garment2    1.3 The Language of Garment4  Task Two Family of Garment11    2.1 Knitting Garment11    2.2 Woven Garment15Module Two Garment Fabric and Accessories24  Task One Fabric24    1.1 Cotton Fabric24    1.2 Linen Fabric25    1.3 Woolen Fabric26    1.4 Silk Fabric26    1.5 Man-made Fiber Fabric27    1.6 Synthetic Fiber Fabric28    1.7 Fur and Leather29    1.8 Knitted Fabric30    1.9 The Latest Garment Fabrics31  Task Two Accessories32    2.1 Lining33    2.2 Interlinings33    2.3 Wadding34    2.4 Threads34    2.5 Traps35    2.6 Fasteners35    2.7 Shoulder Pad36    2.8 Label and Hangtag36    2.9 Other Accessories37Module Three Equipment and Tools40  Task One Measuring and Marking Equipment40    1.1 Measuring Tools40    1.2 Marking Tools42  Task Two Cutting Equipment45    2.1 Scissors and Shears46    2.2 Cutting Table47    2.3 Cutting Machine47  Task Three Sewing Equipment49    3.1 Needles and Thread49    3.2 Sewing Machines51  Task Four Pressing Equipment56    4.1 Irons56    4.2 Press Board57Module Four Fashion Design58  Task One The Procedure of Fashion Design58  Task Two Case Study60    2.1 Silhouette61    2.2 Color64    2.3 Texture67Module Five Measurement and Pattern Making75  Task One Take Measurement75    1.1 Take Body Measurements for Garment75    1.2 Take Finished Garment Measurement for Garment78  Task Two Making Pattern and Grading86    2.1 Cognition Pattern87    2.2 Ease in Cloth91    2.3 Cognition Grading92    2.4 The Principle of Basic Adaptations of Patterns93    2.5 Specimen Analysis99Module Six Apparel Production Management111  Task One Apparel Firm Introduction111    1.1 About Us111    1.2 Our Products113    1.3 Our Customer113    1.4 Our Production Department113  Task Two Contract and Order118    2.1 Contract118    2.2 Order Conformation Form120    2.3 Material Preparation and Approval124    2.4 Sample Order and Specification Sheet125  Task Three Cutting Process133  Task Four Making up Garment136  Task Five Finishing and Packing140Module Seven Garment Quality Control and Inspection Report149  Task One How to Measure150    1.1 Measure Tops150    1.2 Measure Bottoms153    1.3 Measure Pocket155  Task Two How to Control and Inspect166    2.1 Garments Inspection Methods166    2.2 General Quality Requirements of Garments Inspection167    2.3 Common Garment?s Defects Expression169  Task Three Inspection Report174    3.1 Inline Inspection Report175    3.2 Final Inspection Report177Module Eight Fashion Trend184  Task One The Definition of Fashion184    1.1 What is Fashion184    1.2 Fashion Features185  Task Two Fashion Styles Before the 20th Century186    2.1 Case One—Byzantine Style186    2.2 Case Two—Gothic Style187    2.3 Case Three—Baroque Style187    2.4 Case Four—Rococo Style188    2.5 Case Five—Neoclassic Style189    2.6 Case Six—Romantic Style190  Task Three Fashion Styles in the 20th Century192    3.1 Case One—Pop?art Style192    3.2 Case Two—Minimalist Style192    3.3 Case Three—Op?art Style193    3.4 Case Four—Lolita Style194    3.5 Case Five—Hippie Style194    3.6 Case Six—Bohemian Style195    3.7 Case Seven—Punk Style195Words and Phrases203References221


  Inspiration isn't something that just pops into a designer's head. Most of the time, we must make an active approach to discover it. It could be a shell onthe beach or in an amusement park anywhere, maybe a well-known painting or aclassic movie, maybe any sources from nature. You need to study thesematerials deeply and select the most attractive parts, including colorcombinations, surface textures, clothing decorations and on and on. Forexample, the embroidery pleated decorative edge designs from the wrought ironbalcony railings. All the elements in life such as flowers, birds, insects and fishin nature, high mountains and flowing water, historical monuments, artisticfields of painting sculpture, dance, music and ethnic costumes, customs canbring designers endless inspiration. Merge the age old artistry of design with thelatest styles in the fashion world.  ……



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   都是英文,有点看不懂
  •   买来了就好好看,,,,其实这就是一般大专院校的教材。
  •   内容还可以,如果要当教材的话,书最后加上中文译文,配上音频资料和教学PPT就非常完美了。

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